Chapter Three - Mean

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Rebecca Taylor

The next morning, Becky straightened her hair and threw on her uniform. She skipped breakfast and made it out of the house before anyone woke up to tell her off for not having breakfast.

Looking across the street upon leaving the house she noticed a tall blonde boy coming out of the house opposite. Quickly she sped down the path, wanting to avoid interaction. She thought he looked like he was in a school uniform too, but she only saw his back.

"Hi" a voice said, coming up behind her.

Startled, Becky turned around. There the tall blonde boy stood with a grin on his face. He had brown eyes and was probably the most attractive boy that she had ever laid eyes on. "H-hi" Becky stuttered, which was very unlike her.

"Do you go to Willow High? Or do you go to Ellerton?" He asked.

"Err Willow High. It's my first day" Becky replied, feeling intimidated by his attractiveness. Why was he talking to her?

"Oh, that's a shame, I go to Ellerton. It's only a few streets away" he explained, frowning slightly.

"Cool. Do you know anyone from Willow High School?" Becky asked him, hoping that she was not coming off as completely boring. He was just so pretty to look at, she felt as though she had lost the ability to make conversation.

"No. I do hear that they aren't great people. That's probably just rumours though"

"Great" Becky muttered sarcastically, starting to feel sick. It could just be a rumour that they were not that nice, but still the thought of dealing with idiots and getting into fights again filled her with dread. One of her biggest strengths and weaknesses was the fact that she cared more than most people about what was fair, and sometimes if she saw someone been hurt or bullied, she saw red.

"Well, it's probably just a rumour. Like I said I do not actually know anyone there. Hey, I never actually got your name"

"Oh. It's Becky, what's yours?

"Stefan" he replied, grinning down at her. "I need to go now unfortunately, my schools that way" he informed her, pointing to a path leading left.

"Oh okay. I'll see you later"

"Yeah, see you later" he smiled. He was just so pretty.

He walked away and Becky sighed, sure that she had just made a complete and utter idiot out of herself. She usually didn't get insecure around guys, but it was pretty much impossible not to feel intimidated by someone that gorgeous.

Soon after, what she felt was an awkward interaction Becky arrived at the school gates. There were students surrounding her, shoving past and Becky felt herself cringe as she saw a group of girls pointing and laughing at a girl who shied away, looking as though she wanted to cry.

Sadly, the bell rang before she could do anything and the group of students dispersed, making their way to class.

"What's your name?" One of the girls from the group asked coming towards her. "I've not seen you around before" she stated, twirling her long blonde hair around her fingers.

The girl was pretty, but her makeup was pretty full on, and she had an evil glint in her eyes. Instantly, Becky got a bad vibe off her. "Becky."

"Aren't you going to ask me mine?" The girl laughed, seemingly assuming that Becky cared.

Becky sighed, knowing that even with her new timetable in which she had received in the post, she had no clue how to get to her first subject that was apparently, math. "What's your name?" She asked reluctantly.

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