Chapter Twenty Seven - Rare

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Rebecca Taylor

"Becky are your ready yet? We're waiting outside" Cassie told her on the phone.

Becky sighed, looking in the mirror one last time before putting on her shoes and rushing down the stairs to see Cassie, Blaise and Leah all waiting for her. She smiled sheepishly at them as she climbed into Leah's car "sorry I'm late"

Blaise rolled her eyes "you're the one that said to meet at eleven and now you're the one that's late. You could have at least invited us in"

"Oh, stop whining I was only two minutes late"

"Okay, guys lets stop the arguing please" Cassie said with an eye roll.

Becky huffed and looked out the window. She really, really was not happy about spending time with Blaise, but she wanted to try and get on with her for Cassie's sake. It was just that she was so rude.

"Right, well let's try not to kill each other in my car please" Leah said from the front as she began driving into town. "Now, I'm going to put some music on and if anyone doesn't like it you can get out of my car"

Becky rolled her eyes again as Leah put on some music. She couldn't help but smile though when it was a song that she actually liked. She wouldn't have pegged Leah as a fan of 21 pilots – maybe there was more to her then she originally thought.

Once they arrived in town they wondered into New Look as it was the closest shop to where they had parked. Leah and Cassie wondered of, browsing through the dresses. Blaise and Becky started to look through the jeans and t-shirts, trying to avoid each other as much as possible.

Becky saw a t-shirt that she liked and went to grab it at the same time Blaise did "I saw it first" Becky defended, seeing that it was the last one on display.

"Are you just going out of your way to try and annoy me? Look, I was never that mean to you, I was a bitch to Cassie yes, but she's forgiven me. Why can't you just get over it?"

"I don't believe people can change that easily. Once a bitch, always a bitch" Becky responded with a glare.

"Well, it takes one to know one"

"Whatever, just give me the t-shirt"

"You are pathetic" Blaise mumbled, throwing the t-shirt at Becky before storming off.

Becky sighed and began looking through clothes again. She didn't really care what Blaise thought about her. In her eyes, Blaise was just a spoilt brat, and she would never change.

"Becky, we're all going to go try on clothes now" Cassie said, dragging her to the changing rooms.

"Do we have to? I know what my size is"

Cassie paused as if just then remembering about all the things Becky had struggled with "oh, sorry you don't have to. We just thought it would be fun"

Becky hesitated but decided that she didn't want to be left out. It wasn't as though she had anything revealing anyway. "No, actually I'll join you"

They all went in changing rooms next to each other and started trying on outfits. Becky came out first in a pair of blue jeans and the t-shirt she had argued over with Blaise.

Blaise came out next in ripped jeans and a crop top. "The t-shirt looks nicer on you then it would have on me"

Becky's eyes widened in surprise at the compliment. "Um, thanks. I like your jeans"

Blaise smiled at her just as Cassie and Leah came out. "Wow, Becky you look great in those jeans" Cassie said.

Becky blushed and muttered a small thank you before going back into the changing rooms. Compliments made her feel awkward.


Later that day, Becky got ready for a date with Stefan feeling strangely optimistic about everything. During the shopping trip, the girls had stopped for lunch and gotten to know each other a bit better. It was then that Blaise told them that she actually lived at the same place Cassie was living and that she was gay.

Becky hadn't felt sorry for her, but she had realised that she had been wrong about her. It was hard sometimes to remember that no one had a perfect life. Even Leah had mentioned something about not been close to her parents at all.

Somehow, they had all become actual friends and Becky had found out she had a lot in common with all of them. It was weird to think that just a few months before hand they had all hated each other.

Soon after Becky got dressed in the outfit she had bought earlier, Stefan arrived, and she greeted him outside. "You look gorgeous" he told her with a cheesy grin.

Becky smiled at him "thank you. Where are we going again? I forgot"

Stefan laughed and it was like music to her ears. "You're the one that wanted to go there. We're going to the cinema to see that film you wanted to see remember?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry, just forgot for a moment"

"I'm glad that my looks distracted you that much. I always knew I was handsome, but I never knew I was that handsome"

Becky scoffed and hit the back of his head "stop making fun, you know how forgetful I am"

The night passed with a lot of making fun of each other and Stefan making Becky laugh. They ate popcorn and chocolate, and Becky didn't really think about what she was eating. Stefan had spent most of the night complimenting Becky on things and she couldn't help but feel as though her self-confidence had grown a little.

At the end of the night, they went back home in a taxi and Stefan walked her to the door and kissed her.

Becky went inside with a smile and saw her dad sat at the table. "You okay?"

"You look happy" he observed, smiling as he saw her.

"I am. We went to see that new chick-flick and it was amazing. And I ate popcorn and chocolate and don't feel bad about it"

"That's great Becky. How have your therapy sessions been going?"

"Nothing really noteworthy has happened. We have just been doing a lot of exercises on changing my mindset and the way I think about food and weight"

"Do you think it's working though?"

Becky nodded "yeah, it is. I've still got a long way to go, but I'm proud of how far I've come"

"So am I" her dad gave her a hug before going to bed.

Becky went upstairs and looked in the mirror, taking her makeup off. There were still a lot of things that she didn't like about herself, but she was beginning to pay attention to the things that she did like about herself more than what she didn't like.

As she looked in the mirror before getting into bed she smiled as she realized that no, she wasn't a supermodel, and she never would be. She was far from perfect, and she had a long way to go, but she was still beautiful in her own way.

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