Chapter Eleven - How To Save A Life

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Cassandra Blake

Cassie Blake went to school the next day not knowing what had happened. She had left Lucinda's dad's journal on her desk, still not able to bring herself to read it.

A part of her thought that it might be a trap because why would Lucinda want her to have that? Maybe it was all just a scheme so that they could laugh at Cassie later.

Cassie had thought that Lucinda seemed sincere when she had said sorry, but she didn't trust her own judgement. A big part of Cassie was terrified that it was all just a joke and that they would throw it back in her face if she did forgive her. Plus, how could she just forgive Lucinda after everything?

Cassie made her way into the hallway at school thinking about what Lucinda, Blaise and Leah were going to do today. She was also looking forward to seeing Becky. Cassie was confused to see Blaise and Leah on their own. They were looking around as if confused themselves as to where Lucinda was.

Becky ran up to Cassie upon seeing her. "Cas, there's an assembly this afternoon in the hall. Apparently, something has happened, and they want all of year twelve there"

"Do you know why?"

"No, but it gets us out of lessons for the afternoon" Becky said optimistically.

"That's true I guess" Cassie agreed with a laugh. She and Becky were getting extremely close and Becky was the closest thing that she had ever had to a best friend. She was lucky to have Becky in her life.

The morning seemed to go quickly, still with no sign of Lucinda. Everyone was confused for they couldn't remember the last time that she had a day off sick.

Soon it was one o'clock and time to go to the hall. Cassie had a bad feeling in her stomach, and she wasn't really sure why.

Cassie and Becky made their way to the assembly hall along with the other students, not knowing what to expect. There had never been an assembly first thing in the afternoon for seemingly no reason after all. Usually, they had them on Monday afternoons, so they had already had one the day before.

Once all of the students were sat with their form groups the head teacher went to the front and cleared his throat.

"I'm sure that all of you knew Lucinda Evans. She was a great student and I'm sure that she was a great friend to many of you"

Cassie, along with many other students were still looking around confused. Why was he referring to her in past tense? Why were they even talking about Lucinda?

Cassie zoned out until she heard the words "last night Lucinda Evans committed suicide. She was found by her mother at eleven o'clock last night."

The whole room went silent as everyone stared in horror at the teacher. Lucinda seemed happy most of the time. The only time that anyone had ever seen her upset was that day with Cassie and when her dad had died.

Cassie had talked to her the day before. Was it her fault? Why had she been so mean the weak before to Lucinda? What had she done? Could she have stopped it?

The teacher went on, talking about things. Apparently, there would be counsellors' students could speak to. He talked about why you should talk to someone when you were feeling depressed and that it was never the answer. He talked more about Lucinda and how there would be a place in school where they would remember her.

Cassie wasn't really listening though as she felt her thoughts spiral out of control. Becky, who was sat two seats in front turned to look at Cassie, and she realised that Becky was crying. Leah left the hall crying and Blaise was sitting there in shock.

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