Chapter Ten - Cough Syrup

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Lucinda Evans

Lucinda woke up on Monday morning with a smile; today was the day that she was going to make things right.

She got dressed quickly and shoved her father's journal into her school bag, knowing what she had to do in order to get Cassie to believe her.

She made her way into the kitchen on her way out and sighed when she found the majority of the cupboards and the fridge empty. Her mother was on benefits since she was too much of a druggie to keep up with a job, but all the money that she received was spent on drugs. Lucinda was lucky enough to have free school meals at school, and anything that she couldn't afford food-wise she stole. She had never been caught as of yet, but she hated doing it.

She glanced over at her mother who was sat at the table with her head in her hands. Her mother resembled her in some ways, but her mother had enormous bags under her eyes, deathly pale skin and her blue eyes that were once striking were now just dull. Looking at her now Lucinda could hardly believe that it was the same woman who once had walked around the house singing. She always used to have a smile on her face and she always seemed to light up the room when she walked in.

"Hi mum" Lucinda greeted.

"Where are my tablets?" Her mother asked, anger evident in her voice.

Lucinda sighed. Her mother had never hurt her and probably never would, but she didn't exactly seem to like Lucinda's company. Lucinda still hoped that one day she would be back to the way she used to be and so almost ten years after her drug habit began, Lucinda still hadn't given up on her.

She walked towards the cupboard where her mother's anti-depressants were kept. "Here" She said, handing her a tablet and a glass of water.

"Thanks" she muttered, before swallowing the tablet. "I'd go now if I were you, the guy from last night will wake up soon"

Lucinda rolled her eyes at her mother but was grateful for the warning. Sighing she made her way out of the house and began walking to school.


Leah and Blaise sat with Lucinda at lunch. Both of them had been pretty quiet all day, not really saying anything. It was almost like they were walking on eggshells after what had happened the week before.

Lucinda sighed, dropping her fork onto her plate. "Guys I'm fine. I just don't want to hurt Cassie anymore"

Leah rolled her eyes at Lucinda. "You have hated her for ten years. You must be having a mental breakdown"

Leah was gorgeous, but she was ditzy and had always had a mean streak. Both of her parents had high paying job and she was extremely spoilt, always walking around with designer bags and shoes and bragging about how much money she had and how big her house was. She cared mostly about her looks and would often be found looking into a mirror and putting on makeup. Her only hobbies were going to parties, drinking, and shopping.

"I am not having a mental breakdown" Lucinda denied with a laugh.

Leah and Blaise looked at each other with raised eyebrows before turning back to Lucinda.

"I disagree. And you know I don't care about many people but you two are my best friends so if you want to talk about things anymore without acting crazy like on Friday, I'm here for you" Leah said.

Lucinda was surprised because never once, in all the time that they had been friends, had Leah ever said anything that kind. "Thank you"

Leah smiled slightly before looking back down at her food "its fine. We all would do the same for each other wouldn't we?"

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