Chapter One - Mean Girls

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Cassandra Blake

Waking up to the sound off screaming at five o'clock in the morning was not exactly ideal. However, at seventeen years old Cassandra Blake was, unfortunately used to her father's antics by now.

So, after waking up Cassie quickly pulled her long blonde hair into a ponytail, put on her school uniform and brushed her teeth before running downstairs, knowing the consequences of not being quick enough.

Cassie's dad laid lazily on the sofa surrounded by empty beer cans, bottles of vodka and takeaway boxes.

"What are you staring at you piece of shit? Go make my breakfast" he snapped, causing her to look down and look away from his icy blue eyes in which were identical to hers.

"Sorry Dad" Cassie apologised to the monster in front of her before quickly speed walking to the kitchen and beginning to make his usual bacon sandwich.

"You're worthless" Cassie's dad stated as he walked into the kitchen.

"What did I do wrong?" Cassie asked. She turned and saw the usual malicious glint in his eye. She quickly backed away from him; she knew that she should not have asked.

Liam, her Dad, came closer to her, laughing slightly. "What haven't you done? You took my wife away from me you selfish little brat! One day you're going to wish that it were you" he said before proceeding to slap her across the face leaving a bright red handprint.

Cassie gasped, for some reason still surprised at the abuse after all these years. "I already wish that it was me" Cassie replied.

Liam laughed. "And yet you're still here. I could not get away with killing you, but I can't wait for the day that you kill yourself. You are worthless" he told her.

Liam then stormed back into the living room, barging past her and knocking her over as he did so.

Cassie slowly stood back up, feeling completely and utterly defeated as she finished making his breakfast.

After handing it to him and receiving another punch to her already bruised ribs, (courtesy of the night before) she made her way back to her room and applied a bit of her incredibly old foundation to her face.

She would not cry for she knew that it did nothing to help her. Nothing would really. Instead, she put her shoes on and went from one hell to another.


School was better than home in a lot of ways. First of all, Cassie didn't get beaten up, and although most teachers hated her, she still got to learn.

However, despite that, Cassie still did not exactly love it. This was all thanks to the one girl that hated Cassie almost as much as her dad did. This girl was called Lucinda Evans and was the most popular girl in school. She was often followed around by Leah and Blaise who were almost just as bad.

Thanks to these three beautiful yet horrible girls, everyone in school, even the teachers, hated Cassie thanks to rumours that Lucinda herself had spread.

Even knowing this, Cassie still enjoyed learning and would force herself to smile at school and make sure that they knew they would never get to her.

After arriving at school Cassie sat on a table in the corner by herself and was not approached by anyone which was a miracle in itself.

After the bell rang Cassie made her way to her first period English, which was where what she liked to call hell number two would begin.

"Watch where you're going you freak" Lucinda spat as she walked into Cassie.

Lucinda looked almost angelic with light blonde hair and electric blue eyes. She was also quite a bit taller than Cassie and had a nice figure. Her makeup was always completely flawless as well. It just showed Cassie never to judge a book by its cover because looking at her you would assume Lucinda was kind.

Sometimes Cassie wished that Lucinda was ugly and then maybe people wouldn't like her as much. Instead, Lucinda Evans was basically the definition of perfect. Unlike Cassie who was so skinny she looked like she would break and was basically the definition of flawed.

"I'm sorry" Cassie said, trying her best no to stutter. Cassie could feel her hands shaking from anxiety and quickly put them behind her back.

"Yeah, you will be. Watch where you are going next time, you hurt me" Lucinda the delusional snapped before sitting down at a desk.

Cassie sat down at the back, hoping to avoid people throwing things at her.

"Why were you just talking Cassie?" The teacher asked.

Cassie fought the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that he knew she had not said a word in the last five minutes. There were however three people in particular that had been talking non-stop since the lesson had started. However, they were the people everyone loved as opposed to Cassie who was the person that everyone seemed to hate. So, with that logic it made sense that the blame was put on her.

"I'm s-sorry" Cassie stuttered as she felt all eyes on her. Cassie felt slightly sick as they all stared as though she were a source of entertainment and not another living human being.

"You are getting a behaviour point" he told Cassie, turning back to the computer.

Cassie frowned at the unfairness as she knew that would stay on the system for ages and she had not even done anything. However, she knew better than to fight back.

After English, the day passed slowly, and Cassie made sure to be cliché and hide in the library at break. By lunch time, Cassie was starving after not eating anything the day before either.

Sighing, Cassie knew she had no choice but to brave the cafeteria. She only had three pounds with her, which hopefully would be enough to buy an apple and a sandwich.

Cassie managed to buy some food and almost got back to the library without any interferences until she bumped into Leah, one of Lucinda's friends.

"You know, you really should go on a diet" Leah informed her, despite the fact that Cassie probably weighed a lot less than her.

"Uh okay?" Cassie muttered, not really sure how to respond. She only weighed 95 lbs which as far as she knew was unhealthy and underweight. Was she wrong?

"I mean it would take a while to work. But you really do look like you could do with losing weight" Blaise added, coming up to the other side of Leah.

"I suppose it doesn't matter very much though because no matter what you do you will always be ugly and a complete waste of space" Lucinda said, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Lucinda then picked up a pot of abandoned pasta from a table nearby and poured it over Cassie's head.

Cassie's eyes watered and she clenched her fists as she fought herself not to react. She would not cry. Still, she felt her face heat up and was sure that anyone looking at her could pretty much feel her embarrassment and sadness. She was pretty pathetic.

"I meant it when I said that you would be sorry" Lucinda stated, before turning and walking away as though nothing had ever happened.

Cassie felt like screaming. Sorry for what? Sorry for Lucinda walking into her? What had she ever done to make everyone hate her?

Cassie fought back tears as she speed walked to the bathroom whilst everyone laughed and stared and pointed. She would not run or cry. They would never see her desperation, fear, or sadness.

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