Four [ There's More Deaths ]

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Noh Sungchul. You first met him through Chu Jimin, his bestfriend longer than you ever had and from what you've heard in their own mouth, they know each other way before in middle school. They even had the same dreams of becoming an idol, sharing their own love for kpop music and whenever the other is upset, the other one is always there to keep it down until all is fine between them.

Sungchul had never been mentioned in the speculation about the killers. Not once and he didn't look the part. From everybody's recollection, he was someone who you and the others with Jimin, had even speculated with.

I am supposed to be there but I became late because of my part-time job and now it felt like it was kind of my fault.

He'd said that after the day Jimin's body was discovered in the practice room, knowing already in his mind who did it to his friend. He must have been playing a game in front of you and Lyra that time, to even try of comforting the two of you knowing he was already going to kill EJ that night. It was such a shocking realization to you, that it was the only thing you could think about for the moment.

The serial killer in your imagination was someone who looked much like of Ted Bundy, a handsome man who evidently had no problem to his life yet had the most controversial and most horrifying reason for killing women, saying to the reporter what's one less face to the surface of the earth, anyways? But then, even to the other crime documentary you've watched, their own family member is turning to one another at a much stupider reason than Bundy's.

But what is Noh Sungchul's agenda for all the killing?

You all looked past him. Everybody are looking over his head even when he's sitting right in front of you. Your eyes never went to him in the speculation for the killer, and never had you have this doubt in the last time you meet him with Lyra in their house, that he'll be coming for you next.

Blazing lights of red and blue. Tires screeching outside the house's drive way. A group of men in uniform rushing out of their car to check for your bestfriend's whereabout. Sense of panic swelled inside you as your Aunt's house exploded into chaos all at once. Paramedics in white shirts rushed toward your Aunt in your lap and one of them guiding you gently up to the couch, whispering you'll be fine, you'll be safe. The police swarmed around K and his father pushed against them to get to him.

Another detective goes to you, her rapid fire questions making no sense in the first second. Your responses is inaudible to the ears as your eyes were focusing on your Aunt being lifted onto the stretcher and her eyes were closed. Once the paramedic is done checking your wound, he immediately brings you inside the ambulance where before it closed, you saw your neighbours poured out from their home.

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