Seven [ The Unexpected Sniper ]

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When he opened his eyes, the world was still dark. The heavy curtain of the room blocked the light, and it was temporarily making his world a void of black. His head was pounding and his throat felt raw from where Sungchul's fingers had clamped around it. He drew a ragged breath and tasted the metallic taste of the dried blood in his mouth.

A shiver went through him, and he realized he was still on the bed, his shirt clinging tightly on his body from all the sweats. Metal pressed against his wrists, and when he tried to pulled away, it was to find he was still handcuffed to his right. He turned until he was facing it, pulling as hard as he could, but it didn't give.

He curled his fingers around the metal and hoisted himself to his feet, slowly, in case his captors heard the noise he was making. He twisted his head, waiting to hear something - anything - over the sound of his pulse in his ears. At first, there was nothing, but then, muffled by the walls and whatever stood between him and to the basement, he heard a voice.

It was familiar, a female voice, and on the verge of anger. Y/N.

Niki gritted his teeth, torn between shouting the name of his friend who brought him there until he showed up and staying silent until any help could come. As he listened, more sounds reached him, muffled by the distance and the walls in between - a fist hitting a skin, a stifled groan of pain - and his stomach turned.

They were hurting her. They were torturing or killing her?

He dragged in air, forcing himself to focus. He had to get out of there knowing he will be next. His phone was gone, lost during the kidnapping, which meant there's no way to call for the cops, for the detective's son.

Another muffled scream beyond the walls.

His heart thudded as he fought back the shudder of fear. Somewhere a different Niki could be terrified, but he didn't have time - it was running out - so he forced it down and felt his way back to the weak part of the bed. He felt the screws, all half way out of their holes. The frame was solid enough, but if he could kick it hard he might be able to get it loose and had himself free. He'd worry about getting the handcuff off later. Being handcuffed wasn't as bad as being handcuffed to something. He took a deep breath and exhaled, his breath catching as another scream carried on the air.

He tried to kick the headboard of the bed's lightly, but it didn't budge. He pried until his fingers ached, twisted until his nails cracked. It didn't come loose.

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