Eleven [ Heated Speculations and Frustrations ]

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You had never experienced a terrible urge like that. It was blinding with the desire to cut someone. Your eyes begin to ring with white noise, like the aftermath of being close to death itself. That's what it fel like anyway.

Suddenly, as you retold it to K who was still listening despite of your story getting darker, it feels like you could still see Myrtle grabbing Lena away from you before she tells you to run and had thrown her car keys for you to escape that place. The realization that she'd done something terrible for you that could never be undone is a real shame.

"But it's not like I'm innocent as well to run from it", you continued, and finally bursted into tears. You buried your head in your hands as teardrops carved down your face in rivulets.

You didn't know how long you waited for his reaction, thinking over how he would be looking at you now with apprehension, but you couldn't bother to look up. Maybe he'll get up and leave. You hoped he would.

"Y/N", his voice startled you at the hint of concern, of cleary worry and your head snapped up, surprised.

His hand rested gently on your back as you began to cry even more at the thought. "She was the one to end Lena Gray, but I was the one...", you choked in your voice, "to end Mr. Morris and he was never seen again that night"

"Just take your time", he said quite stiffly. It was quiet next, and you slowly slowered your hands from your face, looking at the hand offered out in front of you. "I won't judge before I hear the whole story"

You stared at it for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip. "It's the only thing I could do for myself", you paused, experiencing the trauma again. "The girls help him in trapping me back, and he almost raped me that night. I knew he would really do it"

And in the moment of retelling it, it felt like you were back to the scene of the girls pulling on your feets and hands, Mr. Morris's maniacal laugh in the background, then they were all ripping your only left protection which is the oversized shirt before you've ended up naked, and flushed before your Principal. His nauseos sense of blood drifted into your nose, and your stomach lurched with dread.

"I was helpless", you went on, closing your eyes to try erase the memory from your mind. "I was curled up in the sand, my eyes are burning with tears and all the girls left me to be touched by him"

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