Nine [ The Girl From Before ]

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The whole town of Dalton has been awoken with a good news as the first thing they heard over the gossips of the bakers and the news boy before it even reached the reporters is the two kidnapped individuals apparently appears in the side of the highway and was found by two women out in a jog early in the morning at exact 5:20 am.

They were said to be both exhausted, starved and wounded before they passed out. The time the police came to bring them first to the local hospital, they confirmed the two is Nishimura Riki and Y/N L/N.

For the time being, as they were being nursed being to health - the police are both guarding them and prohibitting any visits except for their families.

Is the mystery about on who the third and fourth killer will finally be answered at this victims's return?

His mind would not rest despite of the painkillers trying to lull the aching of his muscles and soothe the ringing pain over his head. He refused to let it consumed him. He fought against the sleep with every last ounce of strength that he had. He didn't have time to rest.

There were much more important matters at hand right now.

He remembered then what had happened. He remembered him leaping out of his bed to see if the alarming movement of the people outside his room and in doing so, managed to hold his confrontation with his grandpa - in exchange for the view of what is the fuss all about.

He remembered you and sat up immediately, insensible through the protest of his body to move. The way you lay in the stretcher while the nurses is running around, shouting for the so much loss of blood. You were cut and bruised with slashes of dark dripping blood from your shirt and in spite of it all, you had the nerve to shout for them to check on Niki who was much more stable than your state.

But the moment the younger boy walked up to him, and makes him as the first person to know about the killers created another whole version of despair. Without knowing and probably out of his wits from all the pressures of the new phenomenons of terror, he was letting out a howl so broken and deep they rebounded off the walls.

That was the last straw for him break down.

He wanted to die right there and knew then, even before his entire form fell into itself as he screamed in emptiness, he'll never accept the fact that his closest friend and the one who has been there since he started to hate the world for its true color is one of the killers.

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