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He find it odd seeing the small thing first when he stepped through the door of his home and saw the clown toy of his baby brother.

Behind him, Seon could hear the rumbles of the cars zooming in and out the highway where their house unfortunately resided near. His parents was out, still working and his brother might still be in School. So why is this noisy toy is here? Did his brother came home earlier?

He picks up the toy in which he find more odd to feel that it's warm. Faint but isn't it been cold all day because of the white weather?

His thoughts were disturbed by a phone call and Seon see it was his mother, answering it quickly while entering the door and ignored the squeak of it.

"Yes, mom? What is it?", Seon asked.

His mother chuckled at the other line. "I only called to check if your brother is already home. The school still haven't texted me"

"Might be home now. I see his favorite toy in the map at the front door", replied Seon, ambling his way towards the room of his brother and set the toy down in the bedside table.

"The clown?", His mother asks in confusion. "Isn't it supposed to be with him anywhere?"

Seon grimaced when the toy used for it's own annoying music like the ones you can hear in arcades, tuning out in the room. "Maybe he just left it unknowingly here to play somewhere?"

"Maybe or maybe not but if he's already there, prepare something for him to eat", his mother as always reminds him of his duty as a big brother. "Me and your dad we'll be going home quite late"

His parents were both doctors, so it is to be expected of them to not be on the house most of the time and it left Seon often the babysitter of his brother he adored so much, that it didn't matter.

"Okay, mom. I'll go prepare his favorite pasta as his dinner", said Seon, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he goes inside the kitchen and picked up the needed ingredients from the fridge.

Then while he prepared, he listen to his mother's complaints about her job. Of how many strange killings were happening near their almost-hidden town and the victims were always within 13-23 in age causing for her to worry about him.

"Nowhere is ever safe now, Seon and you are my elder son. I always wanted you to be careful out there when you're alone", his mother reminded him, putting a smile on his face at her concern.

Nowhere Is Ever Safe ⚊ &Team K [#1] Where stories live. Discover now