Six [ Another Wrong Assumptions ]

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You screamed into the middle of all the investigation. A scream of fear. A scream of the need to let it all out.

There was a sudden stillness on the other side of the door at the sound of your unexpected scream. And if the shock is visible to the faces of the police men along the inspectors and his father, K immediatly burst inside the bathroom - he was now staring at the tiles where you lay, your face and chest entirely covered in blood, a petite stranger hovering over you while you were defenseless.

And then it felt like the grim reaper appears to take a life as he watched the hooded figure raised her scalpel as you raised your arms to shield yourself, and the figure struck - slicing through the space in the air as the next seconds is something like out of the ordinary.

The world around K slowed as he watched you jumped up to your feet and kick the figure roughly on the shin, the two of you slamming down into each other's body - trying with an effort to overpower the other. He didn't want to let the moment of you having the ability to go against the killer.

But then you felt a stream of blood slide down the entire of your head, and you turned - looking for the most solid thing in the bathroom and it comes in the forms of the toilet's tank lid and in your distraction of hastily picking it up, you were hit again.

This time, in the space before your chest. But you didn't fall. You didn't even sway, more used to violence than you'd let everyone know about your past. A stream of warm bloom gushed down the front of your jacket, and you could see - as the background seemingly distant and slow in the moment -  how you and the killer almost had the same outfit.

The only difference she had - you think she is a female from the shape of her body and the long hair peeking from the hood - is a knife and you are holding a heavy tank lid in your hands.

But you felt nothing. You felt no pain other than suspecting nothing would ever hurt if your guess might proven correct. Because nothing would ever hurt if this girl is your other friend you gained in this town.

Then you looked to the side, in the direction of the doorway and something about the way he's looking at you in concern changed your mood. The killer laughs quietly as she instead dashes forward for K, and it seemed quite odd for you to destroy everything in your wake, if he was even slighly nicked in any part of his body.

And that's what you did. In your sudden rage, it had been easy to strike down the tank lid in the killer's back. You hadn't even realised what you were doing in that moment. Like you had turn blind to it all - to everything - from detective hauling K out of the way and the rest of his force is calling for the reporters to come inside, as if it's not their job to stop them from entering instead.

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