Eighteen [ The First And Last ]

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The moment his father brought his siblings into the circus in actuality, it turned many degrees hotter, making last occupant of the house if he was simply crazy for feeling like he was freezing. Cold sweat dripped down his back as he stood up from the porch's swing, clutching his upset stomach from devouring an ice cream when he hadn't eaten anything beforehand.

He stumbled to the front door, and grabbed onto the knob, deciding that he hated this night in particular. The circus of the crazy money-starved businessman happens to be situated at the edge of their propery. With the multiple lights strobing mainly in creepy red and music howled at the carousel to the Mirror Maze - it was certainly an annoyance to lived beside the new attraction of Dalton.

Tonight, however, the place was teeming with drunken influencers, frat groups, reporters and families who brought their own childrens as if it was a holiday. It was as if Noh Sungchul is an urban legend like Jack the Reaper and not an actual murderer-at-large.

Inside the house, a shorkie - shih tzu and yorkshire terrier hybrid - bounded up to him happily as he crouched down to carry him up to the air. The shorkie's small barks is one of the signs for him how dogs like Chunchun was unbothered by the real deal of the world outside the door, the thing he can sometimes be jealous of.

Choi Jaeho had always wanted a small-breed dogs. When he was little, he'd never been interested to toys or cartoons his age usually liked, and what he used to watch is the dog's show. He especially likes the term of small but terrible whenever a chihuahua or a pomeranian wins over a belgian mallinois.

Over the years, admittedly, he had outgrown the shows to even try seeing one again. But he still remembered why it had mattered. What it had meant to him and now he has Chunchun anytime he needed a buddy.

"Alright, chun", Jaeho said as he touched the shorkie's purr as he walked around the house, so he could head to the garage in the back. "We'll be looking for your chew toy in the back"

Chunchun, for all his cuteness and bubbliness, simply adored the chew toy in the design of a red ball. It was originally a gift from a classmate who finds his dog too cute to even resist, but he doesn't need to dwell on it and he may only scared himself to wet his pants over the course of the news about the serial killer.

As he strode out of the back door, an earsplitting scream from the spot of the small fences that surrounded their house shooked him, only to recognize it from one of his cousins and his heart beating is back to normal.

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