Sixteen [ Serenity Before The Calamity ]

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There is a fluffy, but heated moment here, and I hope you understand how K is old enough for this kind of scenes.

Rest assured, it's not a smut. Tell me, though, if its beeing too much, okay? I can rewrite it in an innocent way instead.

 Tell me, though, if its beeing too much, okay? I can rewrite it in an innocent way instead

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It was the night of the Halloween. The night all the childrens and teenagers should enjoy dressing up in the characters they so desire to be. The trick or treat season where pranking to spook the treaters is a must. This holiday is basically the favorite tradition of the whole community of Dalton, but with the killer returning to its home, all the doors were closed to strangers.

Instead of receiving candies, kids in any home were watching their parents locked all the possible opening in their houses. They were even asked to tell if they heard so much as a small strange noise.

Instead of giving candies, the elders are at home - keeping up the news in televisions and radios. Their eyes and wrinkled faces wearing the mask of those who had seen true fear in the middle of the war.

But this wasn't any war. War has a reason to happen between a feuding countries. This whole thing about Sungchul is an all-out hunt.

The hunter is him. The preys is his classmates, and all of this end in one way or another, in a murder.

When you woke up this morning, the rain had stopped and from the window above K - a luring sunrise greeted your eyes and it illuminated down his sleeping face. It might be the first time you really look at him, the arch of his jaw invited you to touch it lightly, and the color of his lips is much pinkier than yours yet you couldn't still believe it.

The peacefulness of him when asleep is such an obscene contrast to the overhanging dread that it felt like you were being mocked. This time, though, you tried to erase the unrelenting reality waiting outside the door. You squinted against the glare of the morning sun and attempted to sit, but his strong arms were holding you close to him and you remembered how sleeping together is a normal thing now between the two of you.

You smiled to yourself and flip yourself to face him, sensing his arms tightening its hold on your waist, but he still doesn't wake up. You knew it couldn't last, so before any of his grandpa's people knock or in the case of Niki and Hanbin barging inside without a warning, you let your fingers trail along his nose down to his cheeks and the scratches he have gotten from his friend is now slowly fading, reverting his face back to it's smooth state.

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