Twelve [ The Latest Target ]

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He was unable to sleep no matter how desperately he tried, or how many he counted cows in his head. Thoughts of the week's events was overwhelming him and wouldn't leave him alone to get some sleep. He couldn't stop remembering the news of Niki turning up alive that made him catch his breath or the look in his mom's face when she heard the son of their neighbor is one of the killers. He was getting afraid when the image of his friend, K entered his mind.

He sat up quickly where he lay, the top of his blanket brushing against his feet as he did so. He bit his lip debating whether or not he should attend the memorial parade to inspect how would people show their mourning for the victims. His motive for coming there after all was to join, and make sure EJ will be remembered by those who barely knew him.

The sky was gloomy and the air was crisp as it bites quite cold to his skin as he reached the main square of the town that morning and black satin ribbons were tied around every telephone pole on the streets as they fluttered in the wind. The marching band from school led by Taeyong and Jaeho is taking a last warm up at the parking lot of funeral place. Brass instruments hummed and bass drums boomed the tune of the deads.

Cops were patrolling every spaces where they can see the students is waiting for their teachers to line them up. The quaint thoroughfare was packed with county locals, vibrating with fury and injustice, as well as every news-media outlet that had raced to this town to broadcast it worldwide.

The memorial was supposed to be a dignified remembrance of the victims, but even Hanbin could see that wasn’t exactly what was happening. Their mayor have gotten his wish for his publicity at the next election and he was up there in a makeshift stage before the gates of the school. Mayor J.Y Park is now shouting declarations to the masses;

"After this is all over, the school will be built a monument for each student who died unjustly!"

The stupid parents along some naive elders riled him up by cheering him on with the exception of the youth looking around warily - like if they so much takes a wrong move, they might as well is asking for everyone to die.

"This weekend, our teachers will hold a fundraiser, so that we can help the families of the victims!"

More useless cheers could be heard, and Hanbin was right to think of how ridiculous this all sounds like, it made him think back to how K and Niki will certainly work a prank to humiliate the big-headed mayor who is using the serial killers for his own gain.

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