Thirteen [ The Fourth Record ]

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The parade felt quieter than usual. It was in the middle of the Main street now and if not for the stereo, the whole line of the mourning people would seemed like a lost souls lining up for the entrance of the Hell. No one had bothered to speak or even makes a single noise from their shoes. It was as though everyone was in some kind of morbid trance after looking deeply to the pictures of the innocent victims.

And then, suddenly, it was exactly about him.

"Hanbin! Hanbin! Hanbin!"

At least three people were calling after him from the edge of his line and an instant later - before Hanbin could figure out who or where or why - the three figures disturbed their line with buzzing immense energy as some students and elders parted a bit to make a space for them.

His eyes widened before scanning it over the faces of K, Niki and yours as you crowded over him. By the way you were fidgeting and K was looking around as if watching for any hooded man to appear along Niki standing behind his back, Hanbin could tell you were all anxious and were preparing yourselves to state something, which really sounds a bad thing to hear.

With one arch of K's brow, you finally said it to Hanbin. "You shouldn't be here", your face was partially concealed by the hood of your hoodie and it was really owned by K. "You shouldn't even be leaving home by yourself alone"

He couldn't ever remember you talking to him before. When you had transferred last year the same time as Jake, you seemed distant and hurt, and you walked through the halls, doesn't giving any fuck to the rules where you should join the rightful cliques. He thought maybe you'd find your way to their group, but you ended up joining Sungchul, Jimin and Lyra instead. If he only knew your past, he would've gotten how you are really complimenting your original friends in a way.

He gestured at the lit candle in his hand. "I need to walk with them until to the gates of the cemetery",

The three of you, Niki and K exchanged a worried looks. He needed to know he was the next in the lists from what Jay had told to K the other night. "Jungkook - didn't Detective Jungkook called over to your house?"

"Maybe he called my house, but our landline is out since yesterday night for no reason", Hanbin told them in a nonchalant tone, a confused look lingering in his face. "What about it?"

Niki cocked his head to one side as he frowned. "That was a sign he was after you. It never broke before, hasn't it?", he asked with a straight face.

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