02. An arrogant mute guy

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Tay's dad was in his study room when someone bragged inside. "Tom Phollawat!" His wife called his name and slammed her hands on the table in angrier. "What do you think you're doing?! Are you really disown MY SON?!" She was angrier to her husband once she knew about the news from the maids.

"Calm down. I do not disown anyone here. I just want to give him a life lesson." He said as he took off his eyeglass and looked up at her. "I just want him to know how difficult life is. I want to see if he is able to live with his own effort or not. He is 30 years old for God sake! He is not even trying to find job after he graduate but always spend money enjoying his days with those gangster friends of him and those materialistic girls. No one know about our son even though people are fully aware how powerful Vihokrata is. Now, I will let him take over Vihokratana's business IF only he PROVE me he WORTH it."

"You're unbelievable! Is that really necessary to kick him out with nothing?!"

"Everyone start from zero. If he really want to take over my position, why not? I'm standing here also with my own effort. Now, look where you and him sleeping at? This mansion, his cars, your accessories, all is from MY hard works. Even though he is my son, I'm not going to let anyone see him as a spoil rich bastard who can't even do a simple things that a 5 years old kid can do." He said with a smug looked in his face.

"Watch your language! He is your son!"

"That's why I have to do this. I have to. Stop being so worry. He will be okay out there. Tul will keep his eyes on him." He said to assure her.

"Where he will sleep tonight? Is he already eating? What if someone kill him and sell his organs?" She sighed heavily.

"Stop your over thinking. That son of yours is not that weak. There's no giving up in his dictionary."


Tay was spacing out looking at the road in front him. Whoever saw him must be thinking that he must be waiting for car instead of bus. It had been two hours since he sat at the bus stop; just sat there blankly and did not care at all about the buses that stopped at the station.

Actually, he did not know where to go. After make a deal with his dad, he felt excited for nothing just because he thought there was a way to achieve his dreams to be a BIG BOSS. He looked at the old phone that Tul (his family head-bodyguard) gave him before he stepped out from the mansion.

His dad asked Tul to give him the old phone - Nokia 2100, ripped bag with some unstylish clothes which he did not know where they got that. He looked at himself, dirty shoes, ripped jeans and black T-shirt. He thought that his dad must have been planned this long time ago.

He also doesn't have money with him and he didn't know where he should sleep tonight. It was already 7PM. He really doesn't have any plan what to do or where to go. At the ended, only a long sighed kept escaped from his mouth.

"Should I just go back?" He asked himself and shook his head furiously. "No! If I go back, all of them will laugh at me. And that's mean I have to say goodbye to the title of president, chairman, big boss or whatever for the company. ARGHH!!!" He screamed while grabbed his hair frustrated; did not realize that he just make other people to look at him weirdly.

"Nothing that you can't do Tay Tawan! YES! You can do this Tay Tawan! Fighting! You have to believe in yourself!" He said out loud and encouraged himself while fist his knuckle in the air. When he realized where exactly he was, he bowed apologetically to the people who gave a weird looked towards him. They might think that he was a crazy person.

He picked up his bag and immediately walked away leaving the bus stop and walked wherever his feet brought him.

The people at the bus stop just looked at him until he disappeared from their sights.

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