07. Bad luck again?

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“What the heck!” Tay gasped in pain while tried to sit up.

“Aww!” He groaned again as someone threw the pillow to his head. When he looked up, someone –who he assume the one who just threw the pillow- was glaring at him.

“You don’t have to kick me to wake me up!” He tried to stand up with pain in his butt.

With pillow in his hand, he started to walk to Tay and hit Tay who already covered his head.

“Stop it! What did I do?!” Tay tried to stop him from continuously hitting him for no reason. But, the pillow landed on his morning-face instead, hard like a slap.

New was with an attempt to hit him again but Tay snatched the pillow from him and gripped New’s hand. Tay pushed him towards the bed, hovering on top of him while pinned down both of his wrists. New’s eyes widened for a brief second, and his heart leaped all over his throat.

“Stop.It.” Tay said with his teeth gritting.

New tried to push him away but Tay just gripped him more tightly, broke an attempt to fight him back.

*Knock Knock*

Someone knocked on the door and both looked towards the door before looked at each other.

“Newwiee? Are you awake? I’m coming in!”

Tay immediately let go of the person under him and ready to hide but it was too late since the door already opened and his grandpa saw both of them.

New was sat on the bed awkwardly while Tay stood frozenly.

“Oh Tay, here you are!” Mr.Thitipoom said. Tay ‘waii’ to him and laughed awkwardly.

“What are you doing here?”

“Nothing. Excuse me.” Tay said and walked away funnily since his butt still in pain.

As he was going to go to his room, Gun saw him and smirked at him. “Are you...having...sex...with Newwiee?”


“I saw you enter Newwiee’s room last night. But I don’t see any hickey on you.”

“Hahaha! Are you still drunk?”

“Then, why are you walk so funny?” Gun still with his teasing.

“Oh! I fell from the bed. We definitely didn’t do it. We’re not doing anything. He look like having a nightmare last night, I just check on him to make sure he is okay.”

“Oh ho? Such a caring person you are.” Gun said smiling and Tay excused himself went to his room immediately.


Tay’s POV

“Mom, this handsome son of yours look so messy.” I said while facing the mirror, looking into my clothes and my messy hair.

Soon, I got out from the room and went to the dinning room as Thitipoom’s family already waiting for me to have breakfast together.

Who did I think I am to make them waiting for me? Thinking about that, I fastening my stepped.

“Come here! Let’s eat.” Mr.Thitipoom said once he saw me. I bowed to him before went to the sink to wash my hands before sat on the chair beside him.

We were eating in silence not until Mr.Thitipoom began to say something that made me choke on my bread.

Gun gave me the water and I immediately drank it.

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