19. Too late

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New's POV

The piercing sound of the alarm from my phone brought me back from the dead of slept. I started to wriggle and stretch within my cosy and warm bed.

My eyes slowly fluttered opened.

I took my phone and turned off the alarm.

8AM. 🕗

As part of my body were gradually turning on, I realised today was my graduation day!

I was so excited to get ready for the day I had dreamt of for 27 years. Finally, I completed my degree in this ages.


Getting out of bed, I walked to the bathroom to get a shower.

About 20 minutes later, I walked out from the bathroom and get ready.

I wore my clothes, style my hair with a simple hairstyle and lastly spray perfume all over my body before going out from the bedroom to have a breakfast.

I walked down the stairs to go to the dining room.

Then, I heard everyone scream "Surprise!"

I was loading for a moment as I could not believe my eyes. There was decoration all over the living room, a cake on the table, and a big bouquet of pink flowers.

My eyes started tearing as I looking at them one by one. My grandpa, Gun, his boyfriend-P'Off, my boyfriend-Singto, and...what made me couldn't hold my tears anymore was when I saw Tay's parents. All of them were showing their big smiles to me. I was delight and felt happiness once again to realize that I have such an amazing people and family beside me.

After what happen 2 years ago, even though I'm losing him, but I felt like I gained a new family. Tay's parents treat me as their son and once again I felt the warm from a father and a mother. Even in my hard time, they still by my side, encourage me to be strong.

I was shocked when they came to me, told me they knew about Tay's feeling towards me. I didn't know Tay had told them about us before he go. That was how serious he was with me.


I haven't tell Tay's parents yet that I decided to move on from their son. I haven't told anyone about my relationship with Singto. Would they hate me if I decided to move on? Because it seem like I had lost hope to keep praying that Tay was still alive.

My grandpa approached me and wipes away the tears on my cheeks. "Don't ruin your make up, handsome.". He said with a smile and I hugged him tightly.

After the small congratulations party, Singto drove me to the uni, leaving the others at home so they could get ready, and we could later celebrated again after the graduation.


I sat rat smack dab in the middle with the other honor students; the future engineers of this country. I smiled at the thought.

I looked towards my left, there I saw a huge crowd sitting on the bleachers. It was hard to spot my family, at first, but after squinting my eyes, I found them. They were on the fifth row.

My grandpa had binoculars in his hand while Gun was holding a blow horn in the other. Beside him, P'Off who was busy eating popcorn as if he was at the cinema watching movie. I shook my head; they were always this silly but I loved them.

Then, I saw Singto and Tay's parents were smiling widely and proudly at me. They were all came to see me. And how I wish Tay was also here. I blinked my eyes before I broke down in tears and divert my attention to listen to the speech from the Chancellor who was already at the end of his speech. "...On behalf of the Board, I offer my congratulations to you all."

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