16. What if talking is really a curse?

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The sound of clock ticking fills the room.

The atmosphere between Tay and New were really cold and so tense; Cold because New's death glared toward Tay and tense because Tay didn't know what New would do next.

"New, let me help."



"Go. Now."

"Let me help. This is all happen because of me. Mr.Thitipoom is also like my grandpa. I don't want anything bad happen to him. Let's use my money to save him, okay?"

"Now you brag about how rich you are, Tay Tawan?" New able to utter the words without stuttered or without a pause like he usually did if he use longer sentences. And his voice was so calm yet so dangerous at the same time. And the way he said Tay's name had so much hatred.

"Can we put aside the problems between us first? I will explain everything later and if you decide to hate me and chase me away, I will go and give you as much time as you want but remember that I will come back and fight for my love. But, can we save Mr.Thitipoom right now? We shouldn't waste times here. We had...5 hours more." Tay tried to reason.

"I can save him without your help."

"Oh God Newwiee, can you please just listen to me?"

"Go away."

"New..." He reached for him and tried to snatch away the paper in New's hand; the number of the bank account. "Give me, please..."

He tried again but New still with his stubbornness. He stepped back instead and distance himself from Tay while gripped the paper tight in his hand and hide his hand behind his back.

"You can pay me later if you really don't want me to help your family. But, right now-"

"What happen here?"

Both of them turned their head towards the voice and saw Gun was stood in front the door with a confused looked. "Why did you call me, New?"

New immediately ran to him and hide behind his back even though Gun was smaller than him.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

"Grandpa...is in danger, Gun." New whispered.

"WHAT?!" Gun's high pitch echoed.

New tried to explain straight to the point how he got tied up and the gangs want money in other to save Mr.Thitipoom who currently out of reach.

"W-What should we do? We don't have that much money, New." Gun said worriedly.

"Should I...pawn the wedding rings...of my parents?"

"What? No! You should not! Let's think something else. Or we...can borrow money from our friends."

"I don't...have many friends. I only have Singto." New pouted sadly.

Tay took a deep breathe before said, "Let me help."

New haven't mention about his real identity yet and now his secrets had been reveal, he don't have any reason to be a fake poor driver anymore.

"And...what would you do?" Gun asked suspicious.

"I am...uhh... This is all happen because of me. The gangs had a grudge with me and I will do as they said. I will transfer the money to that account now. I will explain everything later, okay? Now, New... Will you give me the paper?"

New was hesitate, debating by himself but then, he finally gave the paper to Tay when Gun nodded his head.

Tay asked a help from Tul. He was begging for his help to talk with his dad since his bank was currently got block by his dad.

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