04. Screw up Tawan!

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Tay's POV

I gritted my teeth as I hold the pain. I was on the ground curl up into a fetal position because of the pain and the shocked. I looked up and send my death glared towards the guy who just left me without showing sympathy at all!

What?! That's all?!

Aish! This Newwiee-guy seriously annoying!

Who do you think you are to kick me?!

I will make you regret for the rest of your life!

I let out a long sighed. The impacted from his kick into my jewelry part felt like a thousand of venomous blades piercing into my crotch.

Annoying! Annoying! Annoying!

Suddenly, my furious mind got interrupted by the ringing phone. The ringtone was so annoying and sound so old school! Whose phone was this?!

Kring! Kring! Kring! 📱

My eyes searching for the ringing phone on the ground but soon, I slapped my own forehead.

It was MY old phone that my dad gave me before he 'kicked' me out from the mansion.

I dug my hand onto my jean's pocket before took out the phone. I looked at the restricted number on the screen but yet the numbers looked so familiar to me. Without wasting time, I immediately answered it to stop the old-school ringtone.

"Oh! You're alive!" The other voice said sound sarcastic as soon as I answered the call, even before I could asked who he was or said hello.

"Damn you Off Jumpol!" I said cursing at him as soon as I recognized the voice.

"Calm down! How are you? Are you okay? I miss you! We all miss you!"

"I'm fine. Guess what? I already find a job and place to live. So, don't worry because Tay Tawan still can survive on his own." I said proudly and slowly sat up and leaned my back to the car once I felt the pain slowly subside.

"Really? What job? Rubbish collector?"

"I will kill you for sure once I see you, Jumpol!" I said gritting my teeth.

"I'm just kidding. Heheee... That's good then. So, what job did you do and where did you live?"

"I work for Mr.Thitipoom as a driver and live at his house."

"Mr.Thitipoom? I think I ever heard the name before, but I can't remember. Are you sure he don't know who you are? EHH! WAIT! I forgot that not all people know the face of Tawan Vihokratana. You're not a famous person but your dad is." He said giggling and made me became more annoyed. But, he was right anyway. Everyone knew that Vihokratana only had one son whose named Tay Tawan, yet no one knew the face of that Tay Tawan, except for some high ranking corporate from other company because I ever met them in person just because my dad dragged me that time.

Even if someone knew me, I will tried to avoid them because I just hated it when everyone stopped their tracked every time they saw me and bowed their head to me as a greeting. Truthfully, I didn't like the attention they gave to me.

"Oh ya! How's my mom and dad? Did they miss me? Is dad regret his choice to kick me out from the mansion?" I asked.

"Am I look like a babysitter to you? I don't know. You should ask Tul if you are curious." He said giggling.

Damn you Jumpol! At least can he lied for a bit? Just tell me that dad regretted his decisions just to cheer me up. If he was in front of me, sure I will headlock his head!

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