11. Jealousy

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Tay went out to grocery shopping for the first time in his life. With a list of grocery he wanted to buy, he spent for about 20 minutes to buy all the things that Mr.Thitipoom asked; of course by asking helped from the staffs.

He put the grocery bags inside the car and then drove out.

Before he drove home, he decided to stop by at the small stall that sold varieties of cute keychains. His eyes caught one cute keychain with the small polar bear hanging in it.

He decided to buy one for Newwiee to congratulate him on getting and maintained his 4

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He decided to buy one for Newwiee to congratulate him on getting and maintained his 4.00 cgpa on his exam semester.

He whistled happily while walked to the car but he suddenly felt a dark aura following him from behind.

He tried to ignore it. He even changed his walked route to make sure no one was following him. But, he could still felt it, the footsteps behind him were in sync with his footsteps.

He glanced behind and saw two men wearing a black mask. He went to the empty alley and when he turned around, his guess was right. Those two men really did followed him and now they were glaring at Tay.

"Who are you?" Tay hissed.

"You want to be a hero, uh?" One of them said and both took off their mask. Tay finally recognized one of the men. He was the person that he fought to save Mr.Thitipoom from being robbed before.

"Go.To.Hell." Tay hissed once he saw those men took out their knife and ready to kill him.


"Shia! The new guy really know how to fight!" Tay hissed in pain while holding his arm.

He went to his room after brought the grocery bags to the kitchen. Felt glad that he didn't bump into anyone in the house.

As he was about to reach the doorknob of his room, someone gripped his arm and that made him to jerk away because he got shocked and then he hissed in pain.

He looked at New who was looking at him with a frown.

"Oh, hi Newwiee." Tay said smiling and chuckled awkwardly. "What are you doing here?"

New ignored his question, instead he was looking at him with a questioning looked before looked back at his arm.

Tay knew what Newwiee was about to ask, but he chose to ignore it.

"I'm going to take a shower first." Tay said politely. He ruffled New's hair softly before he went inside his room.

"That bastards! I'm going to make you pay for this!" He mumbled alone while taking off his black jacket.

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