13. Find a husband instead of wife

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Tay's POV

I was waiting outside the library because Newwiee currently inside searching for some references for his thesis.

I was bored waiting so I sat down on the bench while day dreaming.

It had been 3 months since I left the mansion. How should I came back to the mansion when I still couldn't find my soon to be wife? Was this mean I should forget about being the next heritage of my dad's company? 😭

But, that was not what worried me the most. My parents would kick me out for real once knew that this son of them are...gay.

Yes, I'm falling in love with Newwiee and until now I did not dare telling him about my feelings.

First, because he already has Singto.

Secondly, I'm poor and just a driver.

Thirdly, he will hate me for sure once knew the real me. I already gain his trust and I am too afraid to reveal my true identity to him.

When did my feelings for him started? 🤔

I don't really know when my loves for him start to develop, but for sure... I don't like to see him hurts. I want to protect him, to make him happy, and to make sure his smile never disappeared from his cute face. 😊

When I hugged or touch him, I crave for him more. I want to hold and never want to let him go. I want to shower him with kisses so he knew that there are someone who loves him this much. 🥰

Before slept, I think about him until drown to dreamland and Newwiee also the first person that always came to my mind once I woke up the next morning. ☺️

Things that I actually hate also seem okay and even fun. The desserts for example. I don't like to eat sweet but everytime he offer me his cake or ice cream or any desserts, I can't reject but to eat it together with him. The desserts was delicious, maybe because I ate it with him. But, when I ate desserts alone, I will get stomach ache the next day. 🥴

Even though I just knew him not even half a year, but I think I am become more comfortable enough around him to make bad jokes and be my fully weird itself. 🤣

I can't stop staring at him everytime he came to my sight. He was like a magnet and I was so attach to him. I mean, who's not? He is pretty, cute, handsome, and hot all at the same time. Everytime I stared into his eyes, I know this is sound cheesy and too common to say, but I definitely imagine my future with him in his eyes. 🤭

And even if he not talk a lot, I am so comfortable to talk to him about everything. Because I knew, he had been listening to me from the way he looked at me straight in the eyes. Unlike someone I knew - Off Jumpol, who always smack my head to stop me from stating a history of something new to him. 😒 But, with Newwiee, I felt so appreciated. 😁

Then, if he became bad mood and refused to talk to me, I still want to company him and still want to be around him no matter how annoyed he could be. 😬

And I felt his pain everytime he got hurts and that determined me to protect him at all cost. But, what if he got hurts because of me one day when I reveal my true identity? I still couldn't imagine the hatred he would give to me. 🥺

And most important, I've start thinking to introduce him to my family as my soon to be husband. 😋

I know this Tay Tawan had gone crazy. 

Truthfully speaking, I never fall in love for real. But, all of this are new feelings to me and only Newwiee could change myself to be who I am today. And now I knew and confirm about my feelings to him; I really fall in love with him.

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