17. Losing you

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"If you want me to help, you should marry with Love."

That was his dad 'one condition' and yes, Tay agree to him because he doesn't have any better idea and lack of time in order to help Thitipoom's family.

It looked like his dad knew about Tay's feeling for New even though he didn't say it straight to his face. So, that was why he used this method to break them apart and also to save his face and name by marrying Tay with his business partner's daughter - Love who also Tay's childhood friend.

Tay went to meet New at the university to explain about everything but New chased him away. He badly wanted to hug New for one last time but New still gave a cold shoulder to him.

He was stress...

How should he got married with Love when he loves New to death? And he believed this marriage was not reach any happiness because Love also saw him as a close friend. So... The problem was their fathers.

Tay really needed to calm his mind.

He thought of kidnapping New and then brought him live at oversea and he would not care if New started to hate him for separating him with his family. He started to being selfish and start to think nonsense. That how much he wanted to run away from his problems right now.

So, he kept driving his car without a purpose of where he should go. He even drove his car over limited which causes other cars to honk at him every time his car passing by; went to left and right without gave signals.

His teary eyes made his sight became blurry and make his head feel heavy. He felt tired suddenly and felt sleepy. But he started accelerating down the busy road street again. He did not seem to be paying much attention to the road and his driving was reckless. His mind full with the guy named Newwiee.

Even though he and New knew each other for only months, and only days became official boyfriend, he was never forget every little things about New; his shining eyes, his mole on his sharp nose, his pouty plump lips, his blushing cheeks, his angelic voice, everything about him just so perfect for a guy name Newwiee.

Tay was busy with his mind until he didn't realized that now he was not in a highway anymore but a cliff road.

It would be romantic if he and New went for a date drive while enjoying this scenery

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It would be romantic if he and New went for a date drive while enjoying this scenery.

Tay was not realize that he was driving into the wrong lane when suddenly the loud honk from the truck startled him from his thought. His tears rolling down to his cheeks and that's when he realized the truck coming towards his car and make him to turn his car to the left as reflex.

The black Audi ploughed through the guard-rail and felt down the cliff. His car flipped over and over that make his body felt so hurts and numb. His body felt like they were being crumbled and smashed into a tiny box.

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