Special chapter

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Tay was playing football with his friends at the field near the playground. He sat on the bench and took a sip of the water. Suddenly, he heard someone sobbed.

He looked around and saw a little boy was crying while crouch down under the big tree. He couldn't see his face since the boy was hiding his face between his knee. But for sure, he never saw the silhouette of the boy in the neighbourhood.

He approached the boy and crouched down in front him. "Hey, why are you crying? Are you lost?" He asked and the boy slowly lift up his head. His eyes were swollen, his nose look so red and his pout was the cutest pout that Tay ever seen.

The boy sniffed before he shook his head. "Newwiee's kite...up there." He said while pointed up the tree. "Newwiee can't reach. Newwiee is a short boy." The boy explained and once again wailed made Tay became more panicked.

"Don't cry, Newwiee. Phi will help you, na?" Tay said and New's face light up with smile. Tay pinched New's cheeks and ruffled his hair softly. "How can you be so cute, Newwiee? How old are you?"


"Phi name is Tay. I'm 12 years old. Stop crying na. Phi will help you get your kite." He said and wiped away New's tears.

Then, he started to climb the tree. Not a big thing for Tay because he always like to do adventurous activity. Such an athletic boy he was. 🤭

The small boy who was waiting for Tay under the tree looked up at him with sparkled eyes and smile from ear to ear at the sight of Tay climb down with his cute kite.


"Yeaay! Thanks P'Te!" New hugged his kite which the same sized as his small body.

"It's Tay, not Te." He corrected him.

"P'Te..." New called while gestured him to lower down his head to his eyes level. Once Tay did that, New immediately gave him a kiss with a loud smooch on his cheek.

Tay blinked his eyes because he didn't expect for a kiss. But, he didn't mind since the one who kiss him was a cute little boy that he wanted to keep in his pocket right now.

"Thank you. Bye byeee~" New waved his hand towards Tay and ran away with his kite.

-End of flashback-

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-End of flashback-


Tay was sitting on the couch watching the movie even though he was not really interest of what was going on.

He just staring at it and started to get bored.

He was in deep with his boredom. He looked at his beside, looked at New who sat next to him while smiling by himself and busied typing in his phone. He tried to peek but New who realized it immediately move himself to sit far from Tay.

"Who is that?" Tay asked curious and he couldn't hide the jealousy in his voice.

"It's Singto." New answered still with his eyes fix on his phone screen. "He just telling me that a guy name Krist confess his loves to him. But, Singto really hate his guts but at the same time he find him annoyingly cute, handsome, and pretty. So, he is asking me what to do and of course all my suggestions sound stupid to him."

Tay didn't hear his explanation because right now he was thirst for New's attention. So, he immediately crawled to him and then pulled New into a tight embraced.

"Taaay! What are you..." He tried to escaped but somehow, his struggling and whimpered all sounds cute in Tay's ears.

Tay just hugged him even tighter, then pinch New's cheek before gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Why you always make me horny, Hin?" Tay groaned.

"W-What?" New stared at his boyfriend in disbelief. "D-Don't you think about that?! I'm not going to do it! The hickeys you give me not even disappear yet and now you want to give me...aahhh! Taaay!" New whimpered in pain because the oldest one just bite his neck to stop his complaints.

"Are you a dog?! Stop biting me! Stop it Tay! Hooiii! Put me down!" Tay already lift him up on his shoulder like a bag of rice.

"Why did I get a horny boyfriend like you?!" New sighed, gave up, as Tay headed to their bedroom.


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