14. Actually (fake) boyfriend

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New had been staring blankly at the ceilings before he finally decided to take a shower.

He went to the dining room and founded the handsome driver was having his breakfast; a cup of coffee in his left hand while a sandwich in his right hand.

"Good morning, Newwiee~" Tay chirped happily.

"Sit here." He said and gestured New to sit at the chair beside him.

The moment he sat on the chair, Tay served him with an enormous platter of food; Egg white omelet, sandwich, a cup of coffee, and fruits like bananas and apples.

“Do you want me to cook for you? What do you want?” He asked and made New became dumbfounded. He looked up at the driver and had a thought: Is he work as a chef in this house or a driver?

New shook his head before shoved the coffee away. "No...Coffee."

"Ahh! Right! Sorry! I forgot you didn't drink coffee in the morning. Wait a minute."

Tay went to the refrigerator. He was scanning the things inside and then took out a few ice cubes, banana, and soy milk before he searched something on the cupboard.

New looked at him confused of what he wanted to do with the banana, peanut butter, soy milk, yogurt, honey, and the ice cubes.

After about 3 minutes just looking at his every movement and got immersed in his own world, he was startled when he felt something cold in his cheek. He gasped and saw a cold glass was shoved right in his vision.

New glared at the annoying driver as he wiped the cold wetness in his cheek.

“I’m sorry. I call you couple of times but look like your mind was at somewhere else.” Tay said giggled and put the drink he just made on the table.

“What's this?” New looked at the drink.

“Peanut butter and banana smoothie.” He said and New just mutter ‘oh’ silently. “T-Thanks.”

“You’re most welcome.” Tay said before he went to his seat, continue to eat his breakfast.

They ate in silent, it was slightly awkward and uncomfortable for New especially when he caught Tay smiled and kept stealing a glance at him.

Tay had stopped New when he was about to walk out from the dining room once finished his breakfast. “Do you have any plan today?” He asked and New shook his head immediately.

“Then, let's go out. I will drive everywhere you want to go.” He said but New shook his head again before replied "Want to sleep aaaall day.” He did a big gesture with his arms and Tay immediately laughed before saying - “Are you a koala? You're so cute!” His laughter erupted, echoed the dining room as he bent over, slapping his own thigh repeatedly.

What was so funny, Tawan?

When Tay straightened his back, he just chuckled while wiped the tears that forming in the corner of his eyes from laughing too much.

New really didn’t understand what so funny until he laughed like there was no tomorrow but surely his heart skipped a beat when the driver said that he is cute.

Once Tay calm down, he looked straight to New's eyes and their eyes locked together.

New was staring at him as he was suck in those eyes and he felt like Tay's face was getting near to his vision. When the fact was, he was the one who came closer to Tay.

Tay was caught off guard when New leaned forward and KISS his lips.



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