18. Loves like waves

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-2 years later-

The party began at 7PM

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The party began at 7PM. The party event was held for the final year students who will held their convo next week.

The hall were decorated with colorful balloon, table-like buffett, and was beautifully decorated with charts, posters, flowers and placards. There was also one space for electronic games. The main table on which the lecturers/professors and the chairman of the uni were to be seated was beautifully decorated with flowerpots.

With the theme of 'Disney', everyone wore many kind of eye-catching suits and dress.

After all the speech and the farewell speech from the head student, the party continued with eating, chatting, playing, and drinking as time for the students to spend their time among their friends. There was also a music, but not too loud-crazy type of music.

Among the students, there was one student who isolate himself from the crowd.

Not other than... New Thitipoom.

New was not a party-people, he hated being in the crowd

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New was not a party-people, he hated being in the crowd. But, since he got dragged by his grandpa to attend this party, he didn't have any choice but to obey him or else his grandpa would forbid him from eating sweets for a week.

Since Tay's accident 2 years ago and his disappearance, New got depress and because of his worst mental health, he needed to drop his university for about 1 year before his mental health was stabilize again before he could continue his last year at the uni again. Gun and Singto already graduate 2 years ago, so he did not have any friends left.

Even though his classmates tried to befriend with him, he always turned a cold shoulder to them.

He thought by isolating himself from the crowd, he would be peace. But, he thought wrong. A group of students approached his table and the 5 students started to surround New like piranha.

"I never see you attend this kind of party. How do you feel?" The girl with the short hair with the snow white dress asked.


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