15. Betrayal

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Tay's POV

When I woke up and found New was not beside me on the bed... Opps, wait a minute. Let me declare something.

We were not sleeping together ON THE BED even though I'm his BOYFRIEND. He asked me to sleep at the floor with an extra blanket because when he felt my presence, he could slept peacefully. And it was easy for me to calm him if he got nightmares again. But, seem like my presence was really important to him because he did slept peacefully without nightmares at all and that was mean he had stopped eating sleeping pills.

But, last night I sneaked to lie on his bed beside him but right now he was not here anymore. I looked at the clock, it was 6am. He never woke up before me.

So, I immediately went out from the room. I fasten my stepped coming down from the stairs when I heard a sound of glass breaking from the dining room.

When I arrived, I saw New crouch down on the floor and my eyes widened when I saw the broken glass plate.

"Newwiee!" I hurried to him and he was startled by my voice.

His finger was bleeding and I hurriedly held his hand and suck the blood on his finger, earn a gasped of shocked from him.

Then, I pulled him stood up and went to the sink.

Then, I guide him to the chair.

I saw Gun coming rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Where's the aid kit box?"


"The first aid kit! Newwiee is hurting!" I raised my voice a little so he woke up from his sleepiness.

"What?! Hurting! Wait..." Then, he went to the cupboard and took out the first aid kit and gave it to me. Then, we went to New.

I treat his bleeding finger.

"It's just a small cut. You're so panic like he is been stab by sword." I heard Gun comment and I just ignored him. True, just a small cut and not deep, but what if he got infected by some kind of germs?

"Why are you wake up so early?" I asked.

"I want...cook b-breakfast."

"Now look what happen? You got hurts."

"Aww... So sweet~" I squinted my eyes towards Gun. Then, he pretended to busy himself by cleaning the broken glass plate.

"You should rest more. Let me help you walk to your bedroom." I asked and helped him stood up.

"He is hurting his finger not his legs." Gun commented again while cleaning the floor.

But, I just ignored him.

"Let me cook for today's breakfast. P'Tay, you should take care of Newwiee." He grinned and wink at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Tay, it's ok. I'll just-"

I grabbed his other hand and dragged him out from the dining room before he had done speaking.

How can he be this careless? Even though it's just a small cut, there was still a possibility of being infected with something if he didn't treat his wound or what if the wound didn't heal well?

He looked like he had sense my furious so he just followed me quietly.

We haven't speak a single word even once we arrived at his bedroom. He just sat down on the bed while I looked at him with arms crossing.


"....." He pouted when I didn't reply him.

"Are you mad?"

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