05. Dilemma

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Tay's POV

I almost yelled to the person who just gripped me because how dared he touch me so rudely?! But, I felt like my world collapsed once my eyes met his stared. Finally, the scene that I had been dreading was here. Is it the end for me? Am I getting caught already?

"N-Ne-Newwiee..." My voice stuttered.

Don't tell me that he watched the whole scenes!

He still looked at me puzzled while looking at me from my head down to my sneaker with a face showing a thousand puzzled of expression. I could felt my pulse pounding in my temples. Cold sweat running in my forehead and I gulped nervously.

He was with arms folded tightly across his chest, like he was waiting for an explanation.

Oh damn! What should I answer?!

"It's..." Oh crap! I did not know what to answer! Now, only silence lingers in the air! The people inside the café already neglect their works and meals as eyes focused on the highlight of the drama. Just like two rivals met face to face and everyone already expected that it will ended with one of them die in another guy's hands.

"You look so different by the way." The guy beside Newwiee – Singto, asked me. "I mean, your clothes, and what's wrong with the sunglasses?" Just like a robot, I took off the sunglasses and threw it onto the table.

Stupid! Why did I took off the sunglass for? Do you think you're Cinderella, Tay Tawan?! A poor man who turned into a gorgeous man in that night to meet the handsome prince? You thought no one recognized the change, but among all those people, there was at least someone who still got suspicious about the perfect change!

I had been so lost in constructing scenarios in my head. My eyes looking at my best friends and just like I was sending a signal to them to help me with the situation, I knew they will understand it. My best friends were the right people in the right place! I knew it, if someone had a problem, the others will always be there to lend a hand.

Just like a director gave a cue to start the action, then... here we go.

"Oh my God! What are you doing miss! No one will fired you, don't worry!" Off said immediately and he went to the waitress, help her to stand up before he whispering something and pulled her away from the scenes. Meanwhile, Newwiee was still looking at me, eyes didn't blink at all. Screw yourself again Tay Tawan!

"Who is this Tay? Hey dude, my name is Arm." He said with his friendly tone and offered his hand for a handshake to Newwiee.

"Ahh! I'm working as a driver for Thitipoom's family. Remember what I said early, I got a job as a driver?" I said to Arm and he clapped his hands once, like he just suddenly remembered something so important. He nodded and said "Ahh! Yes! Yes! I remember now!"

Ok! Great! Our acting were looking great for now!

And Arm, you probably should just be an actor instead of fashion designer.

"Nice to meet you." Arm said and showing his friendly smiles before offered his hand for a handshake with Newwiee, but the rude guy just ignored his hand. Instead, Singto was the one who shake his hand.

"Are you his...friend?" Singto asked after he let go of the handshake and then examined Arm up and down.

"NO! We..."Arm said and he pointed at Off, Tul, me, and then himself. "...are best friends."

"Please take care of our best friend." Off and Tul said in unison.

"Your friends are quite rich, is it?" Singto asked to me, sound like he sensed something was definitely wrong with me. But, did he need to think so low about me like this? I just could gritted my teeth and send my death glared at him.

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