12. You can count on me

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"Newwiee! She is your mom! Watch your language!"

"I already said sorry, okay!"

"That's how you apologize?! With a yelling?!"

"Honey, it's okay."

"No! It's not okay! He should be punish!"

"Dad! You can't do this to me! I am an adult!"

"You're just 15 Newwiee!"

His dad gripped his wrist before he dragged New to the basement and locked him in a room.

"Reflect what you have done! And I will get you out!"

"Don't!!!" New tried to get out but his dad unconsciously pushed him hard, and that made him to fall back, landed on his butt on the ground.

Then, his dad took that chance to close the door and locked it.

"This is what you get if you're talking rude to your mom, Newwiee."

New bang the door hard. "You will not do this to me if my real mom still alive!" New kick the door with so much hatred.

"Newwiee, that woman who you yell for being a bitch is also your mom. She did nothing wrong. She cares a lot for you. Why you can see that? What have she done to you?"

Newwiee shut his mouth hearing his dad's words. What the dad said was right. New's stepmom cares a lot for him but New still couldn't accept that his dad married again after his biological mom passed away because of cancer. New doesn't want to admit the presence of his stepmom.

He knew she did nothing wrong but he just hate her. New thought that she took his father's love away from him, but he knew it was not like that.

He just felt neglected since his dad remarried because his father cared for her more than his own son.

So, since then, he started being rude and became a problematic student in his school. He thought by being some a headache to his dad would made his dad to look at him and started to show some loves for him like before.

But, he thought wrong. Everytime he did wrong, his dad would punished him like locking him at the basement, or took away his phone and games for a week.

He just want to be love by his dad again, just him alone. But now, he believed that his dad hate him so much for being such a problematic kid.

"I HATE YOU DAD! I WISH YOU'RE DEAD!" New yelled out loud and kicked the door one last time.

"Fine! Then I'll be dead!" The dad said with a tears forming in his eyes and then left the basement.

That night...

Their family maid was the one who unlocked the door and that made New confused, especially when he saw she was cried.

"Where's dad? Why are you crying?" He asked and she just cried hard.

"The plane...caught in fire. Gun's and your parents...are gone."

New froze on his spot and felt his world started to crumble. He wish it was a prank or a lesson from his dad to teach him. But, it was not.

Since that day, New swore to himself to not talk again due to traumatize. Because the last thing he said to his dad was 'I wish you're dead' had became true. He believed that talking is a curse.

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