20. Lucky to be your Day 1 (The End)

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"Are you sure you want us to sit here all day?" Singto asked while staring at the field in front him

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"Are you sure you want us to sit here all day?" Singto asked while staring at the field in front him.

New bit his lips once he heard Singto heavy sighed. "So, he is alive and now is back." Singto tried to start the talk.

Not only New was zip his mouth, but he didn't move a muscle. He could heard his own heartbeat and Singto's nervous breathe.

Joy, happiness, sadness, guilty; every possible human's emotions were shuffling on his face. He wasn't prepare for this at all.

The moment Singto caught how happy New was while in Tay's embraced, Singto felt like he had seen his future.

"I'm fine." Singto said with a smile. But no, he was not fine and New knew that.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, New."

"I'm s-sorry." New said once again with a trembling voice and he tried himself not to break down.

Singto held New's hand and caressed it with his thumb. "I know your heart still not belong to me. I know you still loves him. I know you still want to be with him. And I don't mind New. I am not someone who can decide your life and your feelings, and I don't have any right to decide who you can be in love with. So, don't feel sorry to me. I am ready for this at the moment you accept my love." After filtering through millions of thoughts, he finally decided. "I will let you go, New."

New looked up and gazed into Singto's eyes. He saw sadness but also he could felt his sincerity towards his words. And that only made New to feel more sorry for him.

"We still can be friend, right?"

"Of course." Singto smile to hide the pain. "Friends for life." He stretched his hand for a handshake.

"I can't afford to lose a true friend like you, Singto." New shook his hand tightly. "I'm sorry Singto. I'm really sorry."

"Stop saying sorry, New. But, you have to promise to me something. If Tay hurts you, you should give me a permission to punch him at the face."

New just smiled and shook his head. "You'll be the first person to know if he hurts me."

"Good." Singto ruffled his hair. "You should go to him. He might feel anxious if you leave him for so long."

"Will you come tonight to the party at my house?"


"I'm sorry. Maybe I shouldn't ask that."

"You should go now, New. I am afraid if I might change my mind and don't want to let you go." Singto speak his mind loudly.

New hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry and thanks for everything. You are still my everything, Singto." And he let go of the hugged.

"I'm going now." New stood up and Singto nodded his head with a smile.

After he sure New already out of his sight, he took something out from his pocket, the small red box which had a ring inside.

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