10. Slowly open up

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Tay's POV

At 9pm, we were gathered at Tul's private room for chatting, playing games, eating and we looked like we were not at the hospital but at some vacation. We also got scolded by the doctor which also Off's uncle because we were being too loud.

"Off, can you change the channel? You have been watching this drama for hours already." I said to him who currently eating apple while watching TV. He brought a basket full of fruits for me and Tul but he was the one who finished it. 😒 Who visiting who now? 🤔

"Don't want! It's the episode marathon, that's why it play 3 episodes straight. It will end...in minutes." He said while eyes focused at the TV.

"Is it fun? What is this drama about?" Max asked while massaging Tul's back.

"It's a cute drama. It's about a guy who pretending to be ill just to stay next to the girl he is secretly in love. And the girl-"

"That's not cute!" I said interrupted his explanation about the drama. "It's a pitiful story!" I said continue and he just tsk-ing me before focused back watching the 'cute' drama he just mentioned.

"So, the guy pretend to be sick so that he can stay close with the girl he love. That guy is so coward! Why don't he just confess?" I voice my curiosity.

"He has his own reason! Don't say anything if you haven't watch the drama from Ep 1!" He said and threw the pillow on his lap towards me. And I returned the pillow by throwing at him back.

"Hey! Don't fight!" Arm said frustrated because of our childish behavior. Even with my one arm got bandage, Off would still not spare me.

Suddenly, someone knocked the door and the door opened with Newwiee and Gun stood at the doorstep. They came inside the room and both were looking at us one by one.

"Hi.." Gun said awkwardly and put the flower and the fruit he bought on the bedside table.

"The nurse said...that you are at Tul's room. I come for a visit with my grandpa and Newwiee." Gun said to me.

"What?! Mr.Thitipoom is here?!" I asked him in shocked. Oh my God! If he went inside this room and recognized Tul's face, it will be the end for me! I shouldn't let him entered this room.

"Erm, guys...I will go back to my room now. Goodnight. Let's go Gun, Newwiee." I said and moved my wheelchair to them.

"Aww!" I yelped in pain as I stopped in front of Newwiee. "I hurts my hand. Can you help me push the wheelchair?" I asked looking up at Newwiee who was too shocked by my request.

But then, he nodded his head before he walked behind me and pushed the wheelchair. When we were about to walk out from the room, I heard my friends were so noisy talking about the drama.

"Woah! This drama are so unbelievable! The main actor is really a coward!" I heard Arm said it. Told you, that drama was not a cute drama like what Off said.

"You're right Arm! He should just confess, don't need to pretend to be sick to get close to the one he loves!" I heard Max said that. But, what's wrong with this sudden uncomfortable feeling inside me which felt like someone was bad mouthing me?

"I know right! Who knows maybe the girl also loves him!" Off said it, purposely raising his voice once Newwiee, Gun, and I went out from the room.

"What a coward guy! Can we watch cartoon instead?" Tul said that and when Newwiee closed the door, I saw all of my best friends were looking at me with their sheepishly grinned.

And...looking at their stupid grinned, finally I was realized that...

They DEFINITELY were MOCKING at me since I pretended like I can't even move my arm when in fact there was nothing serious with my arm.

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