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Lilith Pov:

"Lilith, hurry up please we can not be late." My brother called from the bottom of the stairs at the Weasleys house.

Of course. Harry always wanted to be early. Never doing anything wrong or doing anything to cause a bad say on his name. I quickly slipped on my boots and fiddled with my shirt before slipping on my rings, and muttering a spell to send my trunks down the stairs.

As I walked out I ran into a large broad chest.

"Oh sorry!" His deep raspy voice muttered.

Fred Weasley.

It happened often. We lived in the same house and were the goofy and clumsy ones.

I let out a small laugh and looked up into his hazel eyes.

The memories of last night flashing through my mind.

My smile quickly turned into a smirk.

"You're good." I said moving my hand from his chest slowly.

I felt his breath hitch before I gave him a small side glance as I walked away.

"Took you long enough." Ginny huffed out in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

"Shut it Ginny. Don't want mummy knowing what you and Harry do every-night do you?" I said giving her a devilish smirk.

Last night when I was hanging out with Fred in his room next to Ginny's we heard moaning and screaming coming from their room. Fred, being nice, muttered a spell through the wall so their mother or father wouldn't hear.

She rolled her eyes and strolled out of the room to do god knows what.

"First day of 6th year are you excited!" Molly's cheery voice squealed out as she entered the room.

"Of course." I said putting on my happiest cheerful smile, and giving her a hug before nodding to Harry and walking out to head to platform 9 3/4 .

"Hey wait up Lilith!" His voice called from behind me.

I turned around squinting my eyes as the wind and sun hit my face and swirled my hair.

His soft scented aroma filling the air.

"Can we talk about last night?" He laughed out awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't worry about. Friends yea?" I said looked up at Fred.

Fred was a player. He didn't do relationships and quiet frankly I didn't either. He was the perfect hook up.

"Yeah. Cmon let's go." He said giving me a flashy smile before hooking his arm within mine as everyone else ran up behind us.


"Is that Malfoy staring at you?" Hermione whispered in my ear as we stood waiting to board the train.

I subtle looked behind my shoulder.

Our eyes instantly met.

I felt his piercing blue eyes staring me down as his mother patted his shoulder while his father laughed about something with another Slytherin.

My eyes traveled down his tall lean body. He'd changed a lot. He was a lot more taller, his hair was longer and looser, he stood there with his hand in his pockets scanning my figure as I scanned him. He wore a all black suit with black dress shoes.

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