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Lilith's Pov:

I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I took in the environment around me, it was Draco's room. I look to the side of me to see a sleeping Draco.

He looked pretty when he slept, his hair all ruffled as the soft glow of the sun hit it perfectly. His lips pink as they parted slightly.

I slowly stood up and stretched as O tried to replay to events of last night. I was in different clothes which meant either I got so sick someone changed me or Draco and me finished what we were doing before we were interrupted.

"Shit Harry." I whispered as I remembered the fight.

I ignored the thought and decided I would deal with it later, right now I really had to pee. I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I washed my face off with cold water to wake me up first then turned the water on hot to help get the mascara off.

After I peed I washed my hands and walked out.

Of course as I was about to lay back down there was a knock. I shoved Draco's shoulder and muttered a 'get up Draco.' but of course he didn't get up.

I rolled my eyes and headed to the door. Once I opened it, it revealed a smiling Cedric with a unpleasant Blaise.

"I brought breakfast and medicine to help the hangover." He said as he pushed past me.

"Where are your clothes?" Blaise muttered annoyedly.

"My exact question when I woke up too." I said as I shut the door.

"Do you not remember? You got fucked up and started dancing on the table and then poured alchol all over you, so Draco carried you back up here and changed you into one of his shirts and you passed out." Cedric laughed as he placed his items on the counter.

Blaise let out a small snicker as I sent him a glare, he took the note and left to head back to Draco's room.

"Where's Pansy?" I asked.

"Well considering it's Saturday, probably down at Hogsmade."

I hummed an "oooo" and took a place on the couch.

The cold leather hitting my bare legs.

Blaise was laughing as he entered the room again.

"What's so funny?" I asked, annoyed at how loud he was.

"He walked in on me fucking peeing." Draco yelled.

"He- h- he had a b- bone- boner too!" Blaise said in between gasping breaths trying to save his laughter.

"Morning wood, nice Malfoy." Cedric laughed as he tossed Blaise a biscuit.

"Shut up I didn't get to finish last night because someone decided to start a fight."

All head and eyes instantly went to Blaise.

"Speaking of that I should probably go see how much of last night Harry remembers." I said before walking back to Draco's room to grab my clothes.

I stripped out of his t shirt and slid on my dress and looked around the room for my shoes.

They were no where to be fucking found, and I could've sworn I left them over by his dresser.

"Looking for these?" His voice emerged from the door way as he held onto my black converse.

"Yes where were they?" I said as I huffed a breath of relief.

"By the door way, you kicked them up half way up the stairs last night, Cedric picked them up." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face and grabbed them. I sat on the edge of the bed as I slipped them on.

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