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Lilith's Pov:

"You were out quiet a while, did you have fun?" Harry asked as I entered the great hall.

"Yes Cedric was a great date last night, perfect idea." I said as I shot a wink to Fred, who's smile dropped.

"Anyways, I won't be in my dorm tonight, but no worries I will be fine and having a movie night with Cedric." I said as I looked back at my brother who has a happy smile on his face.

Pathetic really.

He was the chosen one?

"Perfect, I'm glad you're finally calming down. I see you've dressed better today." He said with a pleased smile.

I bit the inside of my cheek and gave him a bitter sweet smile, while I listened to Cedric snickering under his breath.

"Great. I'll be going to class now, early bird gets the worm." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice.

God I want to kill him.

I looked down at my outfit as I ran over thoughts in my head.

He's the reason your mother and father are dead. Voldemort was just after him not your parents. Why don't I look like my own parents?


Why did my father hate me, and why did my mother tell me everyday she loved my eyes when I had neither my mothers nor my fathers?

"Potter." I heard a voice call.

I ignored and kept walking, planning on going into the forbidden section of the library to get answers.

"I said Potter." A harsh voice said while jerking my arm back to face them.

"What Malfoy." I sneered as I looked up into his eyes.




Everything I saw in his eyes I wanted.

"Are you coming tonight?" He muttered.

I looked away for a moment analyzing my decision.

"Yes, now let me go." I said as I jerked my arm back.

I turned away after brushing my arm off and continued walking.

I felt his eyes digging into me as I walked away.

I searched through the books.


"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath.

"Watch your mouth sweet heart." A deep voice mumbled from behind me.

I looked back and saw a tall brunette male standing against a shelf.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the non restricted section?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Stalking me?" I questioned back.

"Lorenzo, and Lilith right?" He questioned as he walked closer.

"What concern is it to you?"

"Oh it's not, but I'd love it it could be." He said as he pulled a cigarette out from his back pocket.

"Want one?" He asked.

"No, Ive got somewhere to be, but nice to see you." I said rolling my eyes.

He was very charming in the douche world.

Cocky, but something hidden about him.

Why had I never seen him before?

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