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Lilith's Pov:
Draco jerks my body away from the way to my corridor. I look at him in confusion, breath being knocked from me as he slams me into the wall kissing me. His hands bringing mine above my head, restrained.

Our blood mixing.

"Draco- it's mixing."

He pulls away and looks at our hands, the blood almost seems to have a spell on it as it flows together.

"It's a myth Lilith." He pulls his hand away and wipes it off.

If it wasn't a myth then why was he all of the sudden kissing me.

"Then why this all the sudden?"

"This? There is nothing, it's heat of the moment Lilith." He says in anger.

"Why are you blocked off from me!?" I slightly yell.

"Shut your mouth you half blood."

"I'm not a half blood and you know it you moron." I push him back, wincing at the pain in my hand before walking off.

"Lilith!" he yelled.

I knew not to turn back, but something almost pulled me to him.

"What Malfoy."

He motioned for me to come towards him.

"You know I can't tell you, but you're smart. You'll figure it out."

"Then just fuck me."

"I can't, he's always watching."

With that he walks away. I watch him walk away, feeling sad. I quickly push that feeling back and an idea snaps into my head.

I bite down on my nails as I knock on Fred's door.

He opens the door rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"What are you doing here?" He grumbles.

"I think you know."

"I think you know why."


I mentally curse myself for what I did last night, but I needed someone to get my mind off Draco. He was probably shagging Pansy anyways. I try not to move hoping he'll stay asleep.

I let my eyes travel to my hand. Memories flashing back of how I felt like the myth wasn't a myth anymore.

The gash was started to skin over and scab up, I probably needed to go back to my dorm and clean it before classes.

"You know you're not safe with him." Fred brushes my hair off my neck as I stare out the window.

I felt awful, to the point I wanted to cry over the fact I wish I could love Fred. He was good, he could protect me, I'd be accepted by whatever family I had left.

I could feel the tears waiting to come out, scared of the truth behind his words.

"Look at you Lilith. You're bruised and your hand has a deep gash in it."

"It wasn't his fault."

"Who's fault was it then?"


"Oh please you're not stupid." He starts raising his voice.

I keep quiet, running my thumb over the rough skin on my palm. I found happiness in what would soon scar when healed.

"You're smiling about it?"

"Oh for fucks sake Fred! I'm fine! I'm not with Malfoy! It was a one time thing! I can take careof myself." I climb out of bed yelling as I grab my pants and slip them on.

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