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Lilith's Pov:
My eyes looked over Fred's face as his hand held up his head. He looked out the train window at the scenery. It was falling into September, so it was a little cool but usually hot.

I looked down at my skirt and picked at the fuzzies. I looked back up and out the window. I watched as the leaves slowly changed colors. Some orange and yellow.

I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. Away from Fred and his pissy moods. I'm sorry that he just wasn't as good as Draco, maybe because Draco was my first and it had some connection there but I know there will have to be somewhere better then him. Maybe Lore- Stop it Lilith.

I closed my eyes and let my head lay against the window.

"Hey we're here." Harry's voice shook me awake.

I nodded my head and slowly stood up. I stretched my arms out and let out a yawn. I turned around and grabbed my suit case. It came flying foward when Fred used his to hit it off.

"What the fuck Fred!" I screamed as I ducked.

Everyone turned around and looked at us. He had a smug grin on his face. I grabbed my suit case from the floor and shoved past everyone. I walked to the front gates and headed to the main door.

I looked back at Harry as he laughed at with Fred. All his little fake friends, but I can see the truth. The truth of everyone. They're all pathetic.

I slammed my dorm door and unpacked. Once I finished unpacking I walked back out.

"Sorry." I muttered as I ran into Hermione.

She just smiled and walked into our dorm. She had distanced herself since the whole Pansy incident. I didn't know why but I just brushed it off.

I walked to the meeting dorm and knocked on the door.

"Hey there you are. We were wondering when you'd get back." Cedric smiled opening the door.

I smiled and walked in. I looked over to Blaise who was talking to Luna. When I saw her I looked over to Cedric questioning. He motioned me to follow him, and so I did. I walked back with him to one of the bedrooms.

"He's got a soft spot for her, a girl was bullying her today and her friends jumped on Luna. Shes got a few bruises and her nose was bleeding. He caught her running back to her dorm."

"What's her name?" I asked, I felt awful because Luna was so sweet to everyone.

She didn't deserve it.

"Some girl named Emily and a few others. Emily was the main girl."

I knew Emily. She despised me, and Harry was friends with her. Surprising right?

My thoughts were interrupted by moaning. I shot my head up at Cedric and then to the wall.

"It's Draco and Pansy they've been going at it since he found out about you fucking Fred, guess it hurt his high ego." Cedric laughed.

I laughed and rolled my eyes before following him out to the greeting room where Blaise and Luna sat. She was laid on the couch sleeping and Blaise was in the recliner lighting a joint. I went to the kitchen and looked into the fridge.

"Seriously you guys basically live here and all you have is alcohol?" I muttered annoyed, closing the fridge.

Cedric hummed and opened the door to reveal a not so happy Lorenzo. I walked over to the door and smiled up at Lorenzo.

"Enjoying the moaning from Pansy and Draco?" He smirked turning his full attention to me.

Cedric walked away after receiving a glare from him.

"Is this what you came to do? Pester me?"

"He's a snake. Make sure to tell him when he's done. It'll get under his skin love." His thumb lifted my chin so I was looking in his eyes.

He looked down at me in the eyes. Something told me he wasn't happy with Draco or any of them. He looked back at Luna and then back at me before walking away.

"That was weird." I breathed out shutting the door.

I sat on the counter and played on my phone for a little bit until I was voted to be the one to get food for everyone. I threw on my shoes and walked out.

When I got back Draco was sat leaned back on the couch with a joint in between his lips with his shirt off. Pansy looked over at me as she sat in the recliner, she had lovebites all over here, her mascara was running, she has red marks around her neck, she had what looked like hand prints across her face, and a satisfied grin on her face. I rolled my eyes and threw the food on the counter.

Blaise and Cedric ran into the kitchen and grabbed their food, Blaise carried Luna's over to her.

"Where's mine?"

"Sorry Malfoy, you didn't ask." I said avoiding eye contact as I dug mine out.

He grabbed my wrist and drug me back to the room where he and Pansy once were. I looked around the room. There were sheets and blankets thrown around everywhere. The room smelled of sex and sweat. I could gag at the smell and the thought of them.

"What's your deal?" He yelled.

"I don't have one what about you?" I asked nonchalantly.

"God you're pathetic. Is it because I fucked Pansy? Like I'd actually want a half blood. That's all you are and all you were was a drunk fuck. You're a useless girl who puts up a front, when all you are is scared and useless. You're a girl who craves male validation so you fuck anyone who shows slight interest in you. Remind you of you and Fred the other day? He yelled.

"I know a boy just like you, he's a snake just like you, such a fake, just like you Malfoy." I shouted before laughing as I looked him into the eyes.

"But I can see the truth." I muttered before walking out and slamming the door.

Everyone's eyes were on me as I walked out. I shot a smile towards Luna and then looked over at Pansy who glared at me. Cedric looked a little hurt while Blaise looking like he was holding in his laughter.

"Enjoy your food, see you next week when classes resume."

I walked out of the dorm and walked to my dormitory. I bit the inside of my cheek. God I was so fucking pissed, who did Draco think he was? Obviously not as big and bad as he thinks. He's nothing to me and his ego is way to fucking high. I can see the truth, and it's his jealous I fucked Fred after him.

I knew a girl just like me, she was vain like me.
The truth is slowly coming.

The truth is slowly coming

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