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Lilith's Pov:
Today was the day classes finally started back. I hadn't seen Draco in two weeks. I would see glimpses of him, but I acted like he was never there. I usually hung out with Cedric since Harry wasn't skeptical about that.

I stood leaned against the wall with Lorenzo and made small talk. After what he told me to stay to Draco I tried to understand how he knew that and tried to get him to tell me why that affected Draco so much. Cedric slipped up and had mentioned Draco got fucked up that night to the point where Lorenzo went over and put him in his place.

Lorenzo brings his straw up to his lips as his eyes leave mine. I look back and see him staring at Emily. I roll my eyes as she sends a wink over to Theo, everyone knew Lorenzo as Theo. The sweet, innocent, and hot boy.

"Oh fuck off, you know what she did to Luna." I muttered turning back to him.

"So do something about it." He whispered into my ear before motioning her over with his fingers.

Of course she brings all of her friends over. I look over them and my eyes instantly travel to Emily's hands. Her knuckles were bruised and each of her friends faces had a few cuts or evidence that'd been in a fight.

I clenched my jaw and bit my tongue as she flirted with Lorenzo, all her friends had heart eyes over Lorenzo.

I looked over to Harry and his group all laughing, his eyes stayed with mine as he assessed the situation. I flashed a fake smile towards him which he shot me back, calming his nerves. Fred glared at me with a look that could kill.

"I guess I should go, have a nice day Theo." She smiled.

Her friends death glare me before following her lead. Emily roughly shoves into me as I pull from leaning against the wall, she drops her book. She rolls her eyes and looks up at me.

"Pick them up." She says annoyed.

Her eyes fierce, asking me to hit her.

"Pick them up yourself."

"She said pick them up." Her little friends snarl.

I look back over to where Theo once stood with a smirk on my face, but he wasn't there anymore.

"Aww poor thing no ones here to protect you, and little Harry doesn't even like you." She laughs around her friends.

I kick her books and watch as they slide across the hall.

"What not going to do something about it?" I taunt.

She stares at me like she's about to hit me, so I test her more.

"You're a good girl right? You like being told what to do, so go pick up the fucking books." I snarl.

"You don't know shut about me. I'm innocent. I've never done anything like you." She laughs shakily while her friends stare at her confused.

"Really because that's not what Fred said."

I look over at Fred who's watching the ranting between me and Emily. His jaw clenched. I send him a wink.

"'Anything for you Fred.' 'I'm your good girl.' 'Use me' ring a bell?" I taunt.

"Oh shove off!" She yells before her fist collides with my mouth.

My head brushes back at the force. I tilt my head forward and let the blood flow from my lip. My hand travels up to my lip, I pull it away and look at the blood.

"Lilith..." I look up to see Fred with fear in his eyes as Harry waits for my reaction.

Do it.

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