The drama of school

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"Well, How about that.. We all have the same schedule. Let's go!" I said excitedly
Then while we were walking we talked about Minecraft a lot. Then we got to class, I was lagging behind a bit and a girl with her two other friends pushed me down and I dropped my books they laughed at my shirt and started talking trash about Minecraft I stood up for myself and said "Hey you! Minecraft doesn't suck and you should say sorry after tripping some!" She just tripped me over again! My arm first into a rock! "Ow!" I shrieked, they just laughed. I got up they pushed me down! AGAIN! But this time there was glass on the floor! My leg fell on the glass and cut the girl stomped on my chest, I felt sick. I waited for them to get in class then I got up and limped to class I was sitting next to Sarah and Sophia they asked me what happened I didn't respond because I thought they would tell. We got through the rest of school with no problems I got to the car said bye to Sarah and Sophia.
"What happened!" Sqaishey asked
"Errr, nothing," I said
"Come on, you can tell me,"
"Ok, I got bullied, I got tripped over three times and stomped on the chest. I also fell on glass and a rock,"
"Oh, I'm so sorry!"
"It's ok, it wasn't your fault,"
"We need to get you to the doctors! And fast!" So we drove to the doctors and they said I had a fractured wrist! I was really annoyed. I could still play minecraft though so That made me a bit more happy. I made a video about me fracturing my wrist and how annoyed I was but I can still play minecraft I might look a bit nooby because of the fractured wrist.
Sqaishey and I played Minecraft and Stampy came over he looked at my wrist and gave me a gift of flowers and Minecraft plushies.
Sqaishey's P.O.V
Teagan was happy even though she had a fractured wrist. I'm surprised she had a smile on her face I really think I should put her in a private school but I also saw her with two other girls and she looked really happy, so I asked "Do you want to go to a private school?"
"I'm not sure," she answered "I found two girls and we had a lot of fun,"
"Ok," I answered

(Hey guys I just felt like updating and say in the comments If Teagan should go to a private school or have the drama in this school! Until then I won't update and This was just a little update and buy my little Duckies! T_for_T)

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