Love at first sight

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Teagan's P.O.V
So we started walking out the door "I'll catch up with you!"
"Ok!" Stampy yelled back. So I went and fed the pugs and grabbed a pocket knife just in case.
"Ok! I'm here!" I said walking up to them. Wen suddenly I saw a bag go over my head I flapped my wings and kicked my legs angrily "Let me go!" I yelled wen I heard everyone else struggling. Then I got knocked out. "Argh!!" I groaned wen I woke up. I was tied to a chair in a dark room. The only source of light was a little lamp behind me, Ceila was also in front of me, I saw Lee. "Lee!" I screamed
"Well, Lees there to watch,"
"Why?" I asked.
"You'll see," she said reaching into her pocket, "So how'd you do it?"
"Do what?" I asked
"Grow wings!" She screamed
"I don't know," I answered
"Answer me!" she yelled
"It was you, really!" I yelled back
"Argh!" She rolled her eyes
I groaned "it's what you wanted,"
Then I grabbed into my pocket were I hid the pocket knife and tried to cut through. Argh! It's broken. Then I heard a bang on the door and saw it get knocked down. "What are you doing here!" Screamed Ceila
"I'm here to get back my friends!" Said a voice, it was Nick!
"Go away! Or she's gona get it!" Said Ceila pointing a knife at my head
"Ok," He said backing of. Ceila took the knife away from my head and Nick came and nocked her out. "That's what you get!"
He untied me. "Thanks!" I yelled hugging him.
"Hey!" Yelled Lee "I thought we had a thing,"
"What. I can't hug a boy for saving my life?" I asked
"Good point," He said as I untied the ropes from his hands. Then I kissed him and wen we pulled apart Nick looked mad.
"Oh come on!" I yelled and then went and kissed him slightly on the cheek. We all went and untied the rest of the Mac and we all Hugged and said nice things about each other. "I love you all!" I yelled crying of Love
"Wait! Who's he?" Asked Sqaishey
"Oh, He's just Nick. He saved us," I answered
"Ok?" Said Stampy
"Well should we go home?" Asked Lee
"Let's all stay at mine!" Said Sqaishey
"What if I don't whant them to?" I asked. We all laughed. "Ok! Ok, Let's not let that happen again!" We all agreed.
"Let's all stay up all night watching movies!" Lee screamed
"Yeah!" We all yelled putting our fists in the air like in the movies.
So we went back to Sqaishey and my place and Sat and watched loads of cartoons and movies. It was really funny! I hugged with Lee and we invited Nick, Emily, Sarah and Sophia over. Wen Sarah saw a Nick her eyes shaped like hearts and wen Nick saw Sarah his eyes did the same.
"Hi, I'm Nick," he answered grabbing her hands
"I'm Sarah," She said bringing Nick into a kiss.
"Now that is what I call love at first sight," I whispered to Lee. He Laughed really hard and it took a while to settle him down. I went into the kitchen and got some ice cream for me and and Lee then yelled "WHO WANTS ICE CREAM!!!!"
"MEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Everyone yelled at the top of their voices. It made everyone laugh. Then the shutters suddenly wen 'BANG' and it made me and everyone jump. Sqaishey and Stampy came running towards me.
"Are you ok???!!!" Asked Stampy
"We heard a bang!" Screamed Sqaishey
"I-I-I-I-I-I'm fne," I said calming down
(Hey guys I'm soooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated more often! I have writers block and I need more inspiration. I finally got it though! Also go check out 3mily-take1 and Yeah! Go check out my other books and bye my little Duckies! Sorry for the short chapter! T_T) ;)

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