Sqaisheys Secret

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Teagan's P.O.V
I tried to scream but knowing that I'm half human the Devil covered my mouth which stopped me. I then looked up to see many angels with fully black eyes and they looked like they had no soul. I then got dropped onto a platform and I fell to the ground, one of the demons then said a big, but let's face it, Stupid speech about why they needed my power. They then pulled my clothes off of me and put a white dress on me, they then pricked my finger with a knife and put some of my blood into a bowl. They all gathered around me and held hands, they flew up high and started saying this sort of spell. A second later I found myself floating up and my soul deteriorating. I felt weak soulless and it was hard to breath. I didn't try to fight it even though I could've, I just closed my eyes and let it happen. My wing opened and so did my eyes, I looked down to see feathers dropping from my wings. I was scared, and alone. There was then a bang! So I opened my eyes and the Demons stopped the spell. I fell down to the ground and I got picked up by someone. "Ahhh, Beth! You've decided to join us again!"
"I'm not here for any trouble!" Said..... Sqaishey! "I'm only here for Teagan,"
"Sqaishey?" I softly said.
"Don't worry! I'm here for you. Lee told me everything!" She whispered into my ear. She then brang me into a portal that was like the Demons. I then realised, Sqaishey is a Demon?! The next thing I realised was my eyes closing.
Time Skip
I woke up in my bed at home with all the MAC surrounding me. They all sighed with relief. "Thank God!!!" Screamed Lee coming up to hug me. I had forgotten what had happened.... Oh yeah the Demons and.... Teagan! Don't think about it! It's over. And that's a relief. I groaned and then looked at Sqaishey.
"Errrrr," I said looking at her. She sighed and rolled her eyes.
"I know it's a lot to take in but...." She was cut of by Amy.
"What's a lot to take in," she asked curiously. Sqaishey sighed and quickly said.
"I'm half Demon," then slapped herself on the head. Everyone gasped. "Oh geese," she said. Then brang out her hand and showed a flame. She then clicked her fingers and that flame formed her wings.
"Wow! Teach me how to do that with my wings!" I asked
"I can't," she said
"Awwwwwww," I groaned
"It's not because I don't whant to, it's because Angels and Demons are two completely different things! You'll have to work it out yourself,"
"Ok...." I said Annoyed.
"Wait a sec!" Said Lee "How are you a Demon?"
"I was born Demon," we were all confused. Because she's so nice and kind, how could she be a Demon? "My mum was a Demon and My Dad was an angel, there I said it! I got the appearance of my mum and the heart of my Dad, I couldn't handle being so mean so wen I learnt the portal spell I casted it and tired living as a human and it worked! I'm so much happier with you guys then those stupid Demons!" We all smiled then I thought.
"Wait, you said Stupid Demons. So aren't to calling yourself stupid?" I asked
"Not really, I'm more Angel then Demon," She said smiling.
"Yeah... Your way nicer then the Demons," I said thinking about the Demons "I never want to go back there again!" They all agreed.
"What was it like?" Lee asked me. I just whistled like I didn't hear him. Then Amy came onto my bed and liked my face. Omg!
"How long was I out?!?!?!" I asked sitting up straight away.
"Errrrrrr," Sqaishey Said looking at her clock "twenty days,"
"Twenty days!!!" I screamed. "I've missed three weeks of school!" I got out of bed and ran to check my phone "Did you leave any messages that I won't be at school?" I asked Sqaishey.
"Errrrr," She said.
"Oh geese," I whispered. I then looked through the school messages and saw something that started with an E. "I've been Expelled!!!" I screamed to everyone crying. I ran up to Stampy and hugged him tightly with a strong grip. Everyone gasped and felt really bad.
"I'm so sorry!" Said Amy coming up to me.
"Sorry doesn't even begin to cut it!" I screamed to her looking up. With a red face and tears streaming down it. "I've been expelled! I've lost the school I love! Learning was the normal part of my life! Now I have nothing...... No one will think I'm normal! I'll be that special kid that has no normal life! I don't want to be that!" I screamed.
"I-I-I-I-I said I was sorry," she said crying.
"I don't care what you said! Just get out! ALL OF YOU!!!!" I screamed pointing at the door and they all left
"Not cool!" Said Netty.
Then I realised that Lee didn't get out."I said get out!"
"I'm not moving!" He said. I punched him on the shoulder. "Still not moving," he said again. I punched him in the eye and head. I made his head bleed and he got a black eye.
"Now get out!" I screamed. So he started walking out and while he was going out he turned around and said
"We're over..." Then I realised what I had done. I made Amy cry! I made Lee brake up with me and I made everyone mad at me..... I heard Lee banging his head on the wall outside, Netty came up to him.
"Don't worry," She said "She deserved it!" I then got a bag and filled it with stuff that I'll need to survive and flew out the window.
(Hey guys! :(. :/ sad part of the story....)(I Just got back from Melbourne and I flew business class!!! Woohoo! I had to wait until I got back to update so I did and here it is! Bye my little Duckies! T_T) :)

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