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Teagan's P.O.V
"Argh! I can't do it!" Sqaishey yelled. Then she came up hugged me and kissed me. My wings started to turn grey, the love and affection! It's the cure!
I managed to get my arms out of the rope and hugged Sqaishey. My wings turned white again and my tears weren't black anymore. "The Love of me and you together. It's the cure," I told Sqaishey
"Thank God!" She screamed then hugged me.
"Can you untie me now?" I asked joking around
"Oh, yeah," then she untied me.
"We need to get the boys before its to late for them!" I screamed. So both of us ran down to Ceilas house and I broke down the door. Ceila came running after us with a sword! I flew up into a hovering position and then flapped my wings really hard, it nocked her to the floor. "Quick! She won't be down for long!!!" I yelled to Sqaishey.
I untied Stampy "what are...."
Then I cut him of "No time to explain right now!"
Sqaishey and I then untied everyone else, and Lee wasn't hypnotised anymore!"Errrrrrrr......." Lee said touching my wings.
"Duck!" I yelled. Ceila was coming up behind him, I did that hovering thing I did before and then I dragged Lee out of the house.
"So what happened with the wings?" He asked
"Ceila is what happened." I said crossing my arms
"Well...." He said
"Do you want me to fly us home?" I asked
"That would be amazing!" He said. So I grabbed his hands and flew up.
"Your not even nearly as heavy as Sqaishey," I said joking around
"Well, I am a child," he said.
"I guess," I said "hold on!" I flew us really fast all the way home.
(Time Skip!)
"Lets start this party again!" Sqaishey said. I turned on some music and we all danced like crazy!
"Lee, could you come with me to get something?" I asked Lee.
"Sure!" He said following me outside "for what?"
"Well.... I wanted to get something for Stampy and Sqaishey for a gift. So I thought a Baby Pug," I answered
"Great idea!" He answered then we walked into the pet shop and looked at the puppy's.
"There's two pugs!" I quietly yelled. The pugs came up to the glass and licked it at the sight of us.
"I think they like us!" Lee said. There was a black one and a tan one.
"what one should we get?" I asked Lee
"Maybe we should just go and ask for one?" Lee asked
"Yeah, ok" I answered
So we went and asked for a baby pug. "Sorry, if you want a baby pug you have to get two of them. The two pugs that are in there are sisters. They are inseparable!" He said
"Should we just get both of them?" I whispered to Lee
"Yeah," he whispered back.
"We'll take em!" I said. So we bought them and carried them home.
"Surprise!!" Lee and I yelled to Stampy and Sqaishey as we walked through the door.
"Thank you!" Sqaishey yelled picking up the tan pug. "But why did you get two?"
"Because we had to. They were inseparable," I answered "I'll keep the black one of you like?" (Stampys moving in with Sqaishey and Teagan)
"Ok," Stampy said
"Also, they are sisters," I said
"I'll call you Abby!" Sqaishey said
"And I'll call you Amy!" I said to my pug. Then she barked. I reached into a backpack that I had on. "I got all the essentials!" I said holding up some dog food and a dog bowl. I walked into my room to put a small dogie bed into my room. Wen I saw a note. "Until next time. Ceila," it said. I walked into the main room. "Guys, sorry to reck the party but Ceila left a note in my room. It said Until next time, it has a bit of blood on it to..."
"We have to all protect each other!" Lee said.
(Time skip)
Now since that everyone has gone home Sqaishey, Stampy and I went to bed. We also all arranged to meet here at 9 and to have breakfast here. For some silly reason. "Night Amy!" I said to Amy. Then she barked goodnight. Wen I woke up at 7 I got ready for the guests and played minecraft. Wen everyone arrived Netty said "I saw a toffy apple stand just across the street from here!"
"Cool!" Sqaishey said "we'll have that for breakfast!"
(Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter and the wait was worth it! Soooooo bye my little Duckies! T_T. Also Plz go follow GamingWithAmy) =)

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