chapter 1 - The promise

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(Liams pov)

I was sitting in Stiles' jeep on my way home from our meeting. I watched the raindrops as they slowly disappeared down the window. I was listening to music to block out Stiles and Malias arguing. They've really been arguing a lot lately, they don't wanna tell me or anyone else why but no one dares to get involved anyway. 

Stiles tap me on my back and i pull out my headphones. 

- We're here. Stiles says and drives up the driveway. 

- Thanks for the ride Stiles, see you guys tomorrow. I took a deep breath and opened the car door. I ran in with my jacked above my head in attempt to not get to wet. I step inside the door and hear Stiles car take off. I  took off my shoes and placed my wet jacked on the element so it could dry. My mom is standing in the kitchen, she's cleaning and towing away the dinner from the table. She turns around as i walk in the kitchen.

- Oh hi hunny, have you eaten? Or should i save some for you? 

- Oh yea im full we ate pizza at Stiles. 

I ran up to my room and changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and a white plain t-shirt.                  I hear my window open and my whole body freezes. I feel the fear rushing through my body and I quickly turn around to see a kind of tall silhouette standing by the window staring at me. I can't see who it is because the person is wearing a hood covering its head. The person takes off the hood and i see a pear of blue eyes shining in the moonlight.

- Theo? Is it you? I ask confused

- Well of course its me Liam. He says with an evil smirk on his lips. 

- What the fuck is your problem. Why are you climbing into my room, THROUGH MY WINDOW!?

- I would like the favor you promised me when i saved your life. 

- You didn't save my life, you- never mind what do you want me to do? 

- I would like to be apart of the pack again. 

- no fucking way, you were never apart of it and you never will.

- you're s naive and little come on just give Scott a good word about how much I have changes since, the incident and vóla I'm in. 

- Since he sent you to what you like to call hell? And no, never you're not joining us. 

- Liam a deal is a deal

- FINE, aaargh you are so annoying literally  

A knock on the door, i panicked and pushed Theo into my closet

- Hi hunny its me, Mason called and asked if you were dead because you were not answering him. Mom opened the door to my room. 

- Oh.. uh.. I was just.. um.. taking a shower, i text him back soon. I leaned against my closet. 

- Okay.... are you okay sweetie? 

- umuh, yes yes im fine thank youuuuuu. Mom looked at me confused and walked back down stairs. 

Theo pushed open the door. 

- i could off died in your closet sweetie. Theo smirked leaning against the closet

- oh shut up and leave before i change my mind.  

Theo laughed and climbed back down the window.

- Never clime trough my window again! I yelled after him

- Cant promise anything sweetie. 

This idiot I want to clime down run after him and punch him hard in the face. I threw myself on my bed and picked up my phone. 6 notices from Mason. 

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