chapter 23- another one

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(Liams pov)

Am i weird? Ofc i'm weird but like, weird weird? I mean yes i do have feeling for girls but like at the same time i feel this strong connection to Theo? I yet haven't figured out what these feelings are supposed to mean to me but i have a pretty strong feeling these aren't just friendly. But at the same time i would not want to ruin our friendship for anything in the world. These days has been the most "anxiety free" days in the past couple months. I mean yes Theo is hospitalized and that stress me the fuck out but just seeing how i can put a smile on his perfect lips make me the happiest boy on this fucking planet. I don't know what it is about him that i adore, i mean last year he was the biggest fucking jerk of all time, he was also incredible mean. But to get to know him has helped with everything and around him i don't get my big, angry moments. It's like he is calming my soul for fuck sake, that got to mean something.

I look up from my book I was reading, Theo is peacefully sleeping in the hospital bed and i'm over in the uncomfortable chair. No you know what i can't just sit around and think for myself i need to figure this shit out. I text her and she immediately replied, of course. She never miss the opportunity to hear some gossip. I quietly snuck out from the room and down to her car that was already was parked outside.

- Hi Liam

Lydia's exited voice squeezed through as i sat down, i could her how she tried to calm down her excitement.  

- okay so i have something to confess

I said looking down at my hands starting to peal of the skin around my fingers. Her smile faded  

- is everything okay Li?

Tears started to form in my eyes but i tried to wipe them away. I looked up at her 

- I think i have a crush on a boy, Theo to be exact and i know you guys would support me in anything i just don't know what i am, what i feel, how i feel about my feeling and why my stupid brain decided to have a weird connection to Theo-

Lydia cut me of by saying 

- oh sweetheart your the last person to figure that out

I looked up at her in confusion 

- what?

- oh dear, i know this is a difficult time for you and i am here by your side all the way but you suck at hiding emotions, maybe Theo is just dumb and don't see it but too the rest of us, the feelings between you guys is very, very noticeable

She said smiling and almost laughing while holding a hand on my cheek. 

- when you say feelings between, you think he like me?

She laughed again 

- oh yes oh yes

I tried to hold back a smile but couldn't resist. 

- wait really?. She nodded her head 

- but no pressure you should try to figure yourself out you know, you don't need to figure everything out right now ofc, but you should at least think about this

I nodded and we talked a little more until she had to go and i returned back to Theo. I couldn't stop smile and every time I tried to look down and continue reading my eyes wandered back to him. After 10 minutes u heard groaning from across the room, I quickly looked up and Theo was twisting and turning in his bed. I quickly stood up and walked to his bed. 

- Theo.. I whispers.

- Theo wake up it's just a dream

I whispers again and started to slowly move his body a little to wake him. He sat up in a second and his breath was so heavy, I sat down next to him. 

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