chapter 9 - of course the woods

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(Theos pov)

It has been 20 minutes he should be home any second. I can finish this book.

- time skip -

Finally finish with this book. Wonder how long it have been. I cheeked my phone. Liam were suppost to come back a half an hour ago, I should call him. 

- Siri call Liam

- calling Liam red heart bloody knife

Why isn't he answering his phone. I should call Scott. No he dosen't like me and it would just sound like I am desperat. I should wait 15 minutes.

Why isn't Liam home get, okay thats it i'm calling Scott.

- Hi?

- Hi Scott its Theo

- oh Theo? what have u done???

- Jezz okay I haven't done anything. It's just, have you heard of Liam in the last hour?

-  no, i thought he was with you. I told you guys that no one should be alone until we find out something about the hunter!!

- IM SORRY OKAY! he said he was just going for a walk in 20 minuters and then he should be back, he promised me....

-  we will find him, me and Isaac coming over to you now okay?

- Okay bye...

I started to panic, what if someone had kidnap him, what if someone had killed him. oh god i cant' breath. Calm down Theo just breath. Its just Liam why are you stressing about him! I called Liam at least 50 times more. Cmon Li were are you. I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door. 

- Hi Theo, have you heard from him yet

- no, no i haven't

i welcomed Scott ad Isaac in and we sat down on the couch. 

- So were did he go?

- i think he went into the woods, why always the woods

- Why would he run there? 

- Idk he just do

(Scotts pov)

Theo obviously liked Liam a lot, I'm glad they have become this friends even tho I don't like Theo I'm glad Liam trust him.

- We could track his phone where he used it last

- god idea Isaac

We tracked his phone.

- In the woods, perfect everything bad happens in the woods

- So true its a good bad place. 

- Isaac not the time 

- wha

I placed my hand on Theos shoulder, my veins went black. I quickly took my hand of him. Wow Theo is in a lot of pain, is this all Because of Liam? 

- Lets find this little punk 

 - Thanks Isaac 

We ran out to Isaacs car and started driving too were Liam had last used his phone.

We parked the car outside the woods and went into the woods. 

- oh no

I turned my head to Theos direction. 

- What

He looked a little bit angry. 

- His phone is right there 

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