chapter 10 - this idiot

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(Liams POV)

"I need you" is the last thing I hear before everything went black.
I tried to opened my eyes but no matter how hard I tried, it didn't work. I tried to open my eyes many times but they where so heavy. I could hear voices but not exactaly who it was or what they were saying. 

(Theos POV)

I picked Liam up from the floor with fear in my eyes. Scott was covering Isaac with hes hole body, he was indeed protecting him. I stepped closer to them and they both quickly looked down at Liam. As soon as Scott saw Liam laying in my arms he covered his mouth. 

- is he... Isaac started. 

- No, no he cant Liam is strong. 

Scott's eyes watered. 

- no, hes still alive but we need to get him to Deaton fast, I think it's the yellow wolfsbane

I said and we all rushed out from there and when we got back to our cars Derek and Stiles were standing looking mad, but as soon as they saw Liam they faces went from mad to confused to frightened really fast. 

- He is still alive but we need to get him to Deaton

They nodded and quickly jumped into Stiles jeep. I jumped in there back with Liam. Isaac and Scott took his car and drove fast behind us. I listend clearly to Liams heart beat the hole time and Stiles looked so scared. Good damn it why did you have to be kidnapped and tortured under my watch. 

When we arrived to Deaton's I ran in with Liam in my arms. 

- Hey Theo... oh god what happened

I explained everything 

- I-  we were looking for him and I could hear him scream loud, close to me so when we arrived at a little house we walked down to the basement and Kate were there, but Scott scared her away I hope, then Liam just passed out

I said extremely fast and I don't think Deaton got any word I just said. 

- It's yellow wolfsbane. Scott said as he walked in.

Deaton turned his head to Scott. 

- Okay lay him down here

I placed Liam down on the table but I didn't let go of his hand . Scott looked wired at me and so I quickly removed it. Deaton started to burn the wolfsbane out from his system.

Liam's eyes flickered and they shot open, his eyes turned yellow in seconds and the pain hit him like a gunshot. He growled in pain and his scream became a roar. 

(Liam POV)
I had tried to open my eyes a million time. They were so heavy and it hurts like hell. I feel the pain spread over my body and coming closer to my heart. I had figured out that it was yellow wolfsbane that was on the robes Kate had to bend me. So I hadn't much time left, I didn't even have the time to say goodbye. Not to Scott or Stiles. Not to my best friend. And not too Theo. Theo... why is he on my mind all the time. Its fucking annoying here i am about to die and all i can think about is his annoying ass and his god damn smirk. It bother me. But I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore considering that I'm dying.

All of sudden I feel this pain not the yellow wolfsbane pain but another like my body is burning. Finally I could move my mouth so I screamed in pain. I screamed so loud I thought my throat would explode. I felt how someone grabbed my hand and I squeezed the hand as hard as I could. I felt my claws dragging into the hand. 

- Oh god nails oh god nails in my hand och och

I hear a voice, I sat straight up and opened my eyes. Tried to catch my breath. It felt so good finally be able to open them. I turned my head to my hand and saw that my claws was deep into someone's hand. I looked up.
Oh god it was Theo. I let go quickly, before I even had the chance to say sorry he's arms wrapped around my body and he's warm temperature made my cold body heat up. He quickly let go of me and looked down. 

- Liam what the fuck was that?! what is your problem running off to the woods when you know the hunters- oh god you stupid idiot. Are you okay?! 

I turned my head around and Scott was standing there. I looked so confused.

- Am I dead?

Scott laughed a bit and then looked at me 

- no Liam you are not dead, your alive thank god

I tried to force a smile on but it was hard, I was so tired.

We talk for a while and Deaton and Scott explained to me what had happened. After what felt like a seconds Derek and Stiles was on their way out. 

- Well I think we should get going as well. 

Scott said and walked out with Isaac right behind. 

I tried to stand up on the ground but ended up falling. Theo catches me in his arms and laughed. 

- Can't you walk?

I smiled sarcastic at him 

- shut up Theodor I just kinda died be nice to me

a smirk formed on his face 

- guess I have to carry you

he took me bridal style and carried me out to his car. I couldn't help but blush. He saw how my cheeks heated up and his smirk got bigger. He sat me down in the front seat. 

- You didn't have to carry me

I said not looking in his eyes. 

- Well did you want to crawl instead?

I laughed

- no, thank you

He looked surprised and a cute smile formed in his lips. WHAT NO NOT CUTE. I did not say that.

We sat in silence almost the hole time until Theo finally broke the silence. 

- What did the bitch do to you

- she just tried to use me as a bait to get Scott

- I'm sorry Liam

- Why are you sorry?

I looked confused at him. 

- Because I wasn't there sooner

I didn't know how to answer. I just sat there looking him right in the eyes, he quickly turned his eyes back to the road and kept driving. I sat there tried to figure out why he was sorry, I thought he hated me. He could just leave me for dead why didn't he? Why didn't he just leave me there? Did he really need me or did I hear wrong? Dose he even care? I sat there overthinking as always that I hadn't realized we where at my house.

Theo had been sitting and screaming my name but all of the thinking made me cut off anything that came in the way. 

- Liam!! Are you still in the car!! 

He sounded mad. I shake my head turning it to him. 

- I'm sorry I zoomed out"

- Nah it's fine

{ 1227 words }
A/n so i had the energy to edit this chapter ass well. I really hope its better then before! 

anyway im either gonna sleep or continue i havent decided yet. 

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