chapter 13 - the bet

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(Liams pov)

- Hayden?

I couldn't believe her why did she call in the middle of the night. I sat up in the couch just to realize I have been sleeping in Theos lap.

- I'm coming back

coming back? What dear no, good god. Yeah Hayden moved from beacon hills for 1 year ago. I took hard on me and I struggle much at first but my friends still don't think I'm over her. 

- Liam you there?

- Umm ye, back huh when?

She took a deep breath 

- Monday and I am so excited to me you again

She's talking like she did not break my heart without warning and then not contacting me all year. 

- Oh

She laughed 

- well I have missed you a lot, as you Monday!!

- Yeah yeah

I hung up. How could she call me in the middle of the night just to tell me she's coming back! This is sooo bad. Everyone will think I want Hayden back but I do not! I decided to walk into the kitchen so I wouldn't wake Theo. What am I supposed to do, I pick up my phone and called Mason, I know he would kill me but I need his advice. 

- Liam what the hell its 6am I want to sleeeep

- sorry mase but um, well Hayden just call

- omg don't tell me you called her?!

- No she called me, you know im over her

- Yeee sure

- I thought you thought that I was like In love with Theo?

- No that's just Corey

- anyway and yeah Hayden is coming back on Monday

- wait what 

- yeah

- are you gonna ask her out?

- Are u serious Mase? I'm over her!

- I bet you 100 that you will not get over her until summer break

- summer break is in 1 month I am already over her

- sure jan bitch

- your wired

- yeah whatever bye

- yea yea bye

How am I supposed to show mason I'm over her? I sat down in the couch next to Theo and just looked down at him sleeping there so peaceful, when I got a brilliant idea!

~ next day ~

(Theos POV)

I woke up on the couch alone and looked around to se if I could find Liam. I walked into the kitchen and he where sitting looking at his phone. He looked up at me and put down his phone. 

- Good morning sleepyhead

- how long have you been awake

he looked concern 

- since Hayden called me

Since who called him? Didn't she left breaking his heart or something. 

- Your ex girlfriend?

- No my grandma, yes her

He rolled his eyes and I could smell how mad he was. 

- Why are you so mad Liam, you could probably smell it from school

He rolled his eyes again, it's kinda cute. 

- Shut up Theo 

I started to be concerned, why is he so mad? 

- Li..

I sat down in the chair next to him. 

- Are you okay? Why are you so mad?

 He just stared at me, like he was trying to find the best answer. 

- So umm she's coming back and umm I texted mason after I end the call and he still don't think I'm over her!

Liam started to sound really mad. I took a step back thinking about what Ethan said to me. He looked at me and I saw in his eyes that a idea had come to his mind. 

- are you? 

- of course i'm over her

- you know that sounds familiar, Ethan and I texted this morning and umm well he thinks I'm still in love with Jake, but it was like a year ago and also he is a jerk why would i like a jerk, WHY 

I tried to look everywhere except his eyes. 

- Well umm I got an idea

I looked at him and his eyes where like shining with ideas.

- So this might sounds wired but just let me tell you everything, don't interrupt me

I nodded. 

- So I need to prove to mason that I'm over her and he owns me 100 if I'm over her before summer break, and you clearly need to prove to Ethan that your over Jake..

- So? 

I furrowed my eyebrows. 

- Don't interrupt me

- sorry, sorry

- anyways so, oh god it's sound weird even in my head. Do you maybe, you don't need to, want to be my fake boyfriend

It felt like my eyes were gonna pop out. Liam saw that but continued 

- hear me out, we just have to pretend, no feelings and we can prove a point, plus I get money

I cleared my throat, Liam rolled his eyes 

- okay sure, you get half the money

I reached out my hand. 

- Deal?

Liam grabbed it firmly and shook it 


{852 words}

A/n - still amazing, this is a very short chapter like dang. But yeee rest is for tomorrow. 

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