Chapter 24 - me and you

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Tw - sex, sexual words
(Theos pov)
It had gone a weak since Malia last visited at the hospital and today I'm leaving it too. I was packing my stuff and Liam was gonna come over after school to help me. I can't believe it, Liam and I have kissed twice and we told Malia. MALIA?! Off all people it's kinda weird. Liam asked her to keep it a secret so he can think about himself and his feeling I'm the situation. I totally understands but still keeping my love from Liam even more, well well.
I had this weird feeling every time I see or hear him. It's like my world lit up, i feel like screaming. I have no idea what that feeling is. It's really weird.

When I finally had packed my things I put them all on the bed. I changed into a pair of new jeans and a grey hoodie. Suddenly I felt a very small bit of this odd feeling and I could tell that Liam had just stepped into the hospital. I felt like I wanted him and only him. I needed to touch him, to be close with him. I tried to resist it, I counted my breath and dug my claws into my skin. When the door opened I turned around and nothing has happens.
Liam looked strangely at me "you okay?"
I just nodded in respond, I just stood there looking into his beautiful eyes. "For fuck sake"
I said and the next thing I know I had taken a strongly grin around Liam's checks and I smashed my lips against his. We moved in sync and my hands wanders down his body but stoped right at the hips I pulled him even closer and we carefully walked to the bed while making out.
I placed Liam on bottom and I my hands moved up and down his hips in perfect sync to our lips.

( Liam's pov)
I didn't even get the change to say hi before Theo smashed his lips against mine, I mean did I complain? No. We were moving around in the bed like animals, well we technically kinda are.
I placed my hands in his hair and Theo bit my underlip and I let his tongue slip into my mouth. Theo started to move his hips and I gasped into our kiss. Theo came closer to me if that even was possible, he started to kiss me down my check and behind my ear. My soft spot, he found it and I tried to resist but instead my moan became louder. I could feel Theos smirk into my skin, his eyes came back and we where looking right into each other's eyes. I once again smashed my lips against his and my hands traveled down his body, up and down. Theo ripped my shirt in half and I gasped looking at him. "Not my shiiiirt" I said complaining, Theo just rolled his eyes playfully and took off his own. He started to kiss me down my chest, carefully placing them on the right spots. He did so until he came down to my V line. He placed his hand above my very very hard dick, I gasp and my hips bucked involuntarily craving his touch. He smirked and slowly unzipped my pants sliding them down and tossing them on the floor. He kissed me on my chest again up and up he went til he was back on my soft spot behind the ear. He placed a kiss behind and then whispered
"I'm not doing it unless your okay with it, okay? I need to know that your ready" he said and placed another kiss behind my ear. I took a strong grin and each side of his checks and moved his head close to mine inches between our lips. I said into his lips "oh boy Theo, if you haven't notice I'm pretty hard isn't that a good sign?" He laughed
"I'm just checking" he kissed me once again biting my lip. He slowly moved back to my V line and slipped down my boxers. I was now laying completely naked in a hospital bed. Theo studied my toned body. I was toned yea but my body was in no competition to his. I blushed and looked up in the ceiling. "Hot" was all Theo, I laughed.
Theo pulled my body up and kissed me once again. He traces his hand over my body down to my erection. He wrapped his hand around and slowly started to go up and down.

He stroked slowly and my breath was getting heavier I could barely concentrate on our kiss. He found a soft spot and my head tipped back, I moaned loudly and he stroke faster. My hands were holding onto the hooks in the wall. I could feel my knees wavering under the intensity of his pleasure. He started to bite my earlobe and my grip around the hooks became harder. He started to go faster and faster and I couldn't handle it anymore. I came in his hand collapsing. Theo placed a long kiss on my lips and brushing of the cum on some papers on the hospital bed. I stood up and quickly put on my boxers and my pants. "You own me a shirt" I said holding the ripped shirt in my hands. Theo laughed and pulled up a white hoodie from his backpack. He stood up as well putting on his hoodie. He walked around the bed so he was standing next to me, he kissed me heavily and dragged me in by my pants. We heard a knock and just like that we where standing far away from each other. I open the door and Melissa was informing us about checking out. I grabbed on of Theo's bags and we walked out. I had my car parked near the entrance. We walked to it in silence, I unlocked the car and we got in. I turned my head to him. "My place?" Theo looked at me thinking.
"Well I don't have anywhere else to be" he said smiling and I drove to my house.

You weren't robbed at least. I'm probably gonna post a lot of chapters at the same time so I can rewrite this bad story! See you next time.

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