chapter - 19 A tricky talk

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Before this chapter I just wanna say bullying contain in this and little about eating problems so I just wanna warn you if your easily triggers by these thing!
( Liams pov)

We were walking in silence on our way to Scott's house for the pizza party. A normal day i would be so happy for this, i love pizza. Like looooove, it's my life. But today I wasn't jumping around like the little kid I am. I was walking in silence behind Scott and... well Theo. My mind couldn't focus on anything else then the kiss. The kiss. The kiss with Theo. I was making out with Theo in my house on the floor! How did it even happened. I don't know what to say or how to act around Theo right now. I think it's best if i just keep a distance between us tonight. Just for tonight, we can talk when we get home, or tomorrow. Or even better never.... It's not like I didn't enjoy the kiss, I did, I really did. Just the thought of his amazing lips touching mine, his hands on my waist pulling me closer to meet his body make me want to go back in time doing it over and over again. Not the point. It's just, I have never kissed a guy before and to be honest I haven't kissed a lot of girls either. Another point, Theo doesn't look happy, he doesn't seem to enjoy the kiss as much as i did. Well he did before but definitely not now. He's walking in silence and looking down at the ground.

Wait, if we just ignore each other then the others will think something is wrong. That can't happen. The bet is still on. I looked up and its seemed that Theo had the same thought on his mind. He was looking at me. When i looked up, he nodded his head and backed up to me. He walked next to me for a bit and then looked down to my face. I could feel the sweet dropping down on my forehead. He forced his hand closer to mine and our hands collapsed. His hands were all sweaty but so where mine. Scott looked back at us considering we walked behind him. He looked down at our hands smiling and keep walking. Not even a clue how nervous i was. My heart was beating so fast but I think Scott thought that was because I was.. in love.


(Theos pov)

Finally we arrived at Scott's house. My hand was almost drained in water. When we got there Liam dropped my hand. It felt weird since the kiss he has acted like literally nothing happened. Did he not enjoy the kiss as much as I did? Oh boy that's not good. When we stepped in everyone welcomed us, everyone hugging Liam. Just like a normal day everyone just nodded or smile at me. We took off our clothes and walked into the living room. Scott always refurnishes when we get there so everyone can have a nice place to sit. Today there were 3 couches. In a U form with a big table in the middle.

On the sofa in the middle was Stiles lying and he had his feet in Derek's lap. In the sofa nearest us sat Isaac, Lydia, Scott, Kira and Malia pressed at each other. And the last one was empty. In the end there wasn't a couch, it was two chairs standing. Erica and Boyd sat there. We walked in and sat down on the empty couch. Both in the corners and everyone started to talk immediately, while I just sat there listening to their conversation as always. When the night finally started to end everyone was tired and planning on leaving. Me and Liam were the first ones to leave. We said goodbye to everyone and thanked Scott for the night. Liam definitely had more fun than me. I was just sitting in the corner as always listening to how happy they were.

We started walking back to Liam's place and it was just so awkward. I thought about saying something but didn't know what to say. But the awkwardness was getting worse and the only thing I could hear was my own breathing. 

- Liam we need to talk. 

All i got in response was mmm. He was still looking down. 

- Never mind. 

He was clearly not in a mood to talk about the kiss. I mean he didn't even enjoy it. We kept on walking and walking when we finally arrived we both were hungry. Scott only bought 3 pizzas for all of us hungry werewolves. Idiot.

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