chapter 11 - an unexpected kiss

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(Theos pov)

I drove away from Liams house and in the direction of Jakes house. He had been ignoring my calls since apparently "i don't care about him and only Liam and his stupid friends" I drove up at the driveway and got out of my car. I wanted to se how he was and apologize for being a bad friend. I knocked on the door. 

- Just come in

I heard a voice yell from inside. I open the door and walk in. There on the sofa sat a tall muscular boy, his blond hair was wet and it was dripping down on his white tight t-shirt. He looked up at me with his brown shiny eyes and tears was poring out. 

- Jake are you okay? Are you crying? 

I walked up to him standing above him as he slowly stood up. 

- He-they

He started but he couldn't talk I could see how hard he tried to hold back those tears. I didn't know what to do. 

- What happened?

I wasn't going to force him talk but I care about him, hes my friend and it looks like he needs someone to talk to. 

- I was running in the woods as always when I hear that someone is following me I turned around and it was just Lucas

Lucas was this guy Jake had been seeing and I did not like him something was just off about him. He continued talking 

- so I was relieved I haven't seen him in a while and it was nice to see him, but then he took out a gun from his pocket and point it at my head, he tells me that I'm a monster and I should be dead. I didn't know what do so I shifted, I didn't kill him but I at least hurt him bad

He coulden't hold in the tears anymore and they were poring down. I pulled him into my arms and wrapped them around him. 

- I'm so sorry

I said as he cried on my shoulder. After a while I pulled out and he stepped closer to me he was now inches from my face and our noses were touching. Before he could do anything I stepped back and took out my phone from my pocket. "I should call Scott and tell him about it" Jake blushed in embarrassment and nodded.

- hey Scott, it Theo

- Theo? What did you do?!

- nothing!! But a friend of mine, Jake if you remember where almost attacked in the woods today, just thought you would like to know that the hunters are everywhere.

- thanks Theo call me if anything else's happens and please keep an eye on Liam, I don't want anyone to take him again and I think his scared for that to happen to.

-ofc Scott bye.

I ended the call and Jake was still staring at me. He looked down at his feet's and he smelled terrible, he smelled anxiety and fear. 

- What wrong?

He looked up from his feet's and his cheeks was bright red. 

- Uh nothing

- okay well then i unfortunately have to leave. 

I walked out to the corridor and he followed me. 

- wait where you going, you just got here. I mean I've never needed you like i do right now.  

Jake raised his voice and I turned around looking confused at him 

- Im sorry i wanna be here for you obviously but i really need to check up on Liam. I think he need me more than you do, something  terrible happened and he's afraid and needs my support. I am here for you as well but Liam- 

 - How can his problems be so much more important for you?! You hate him like literally hate him. And you have like known him for what a month. Why are you always with that freak, I don't like him very much he is not good for us- for you

Jake looked at me dead as in the eyes and I looked confused at him. 

- Im not prioritising him before you but he- he really need me. Why don't you like him? you have like met him once and you guys have never talked he is a super sweet and nice whats wrong with that? and i'm also I'm staying with him until Scott and the others get control over the hunters. I'm just caring for my friends. 

I said and my voice started to sound angrier. 

- He's smells wired and he's a little anger issues freak! why are you even staying with him can't he do anything himself

He yelled at me. 


I yelled at him and my eyes flitch yellow for seconds. Jake take a step back. 

- I'm sorry. 

I said and turning around waking out, Jake came running and stopped me again.

(Jakes POV)

I see how Liam appears behind Theos truck and my heart start to raise and I got angrier. I then got a brilliant idea. 

- No I'm sorry 

I say and pulls him into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my lips against his. It was no sweet kiss is was a ruff one but I did not get one back. Theo took a step back pushing my arms back. 


He yelled and I smirk as Liam walked over to us. 

- hello Liam

I said smirking at his sad face. 

- Sorry see you later babe

I said walking back into the house.

(Theos POV)

Jake wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into a kiss. He tries to press his lips against mine but I quickly pull away, I almost screamed at him asking why he did that. I then hear how someone walks up to us. I turned around and Liam standing there with tears in his eyes. Jake smirks and walked away. I turned back to Liam who just stood there looking down at his feet's. 

- I can explain

I started but Liam quickly cut me of 

- you don't need to explain its your business, and im sorry for interrupting you and your boyfriend. Im gonna leave you guys alone

he said and ran away. 

- Liam!! Liam get your as back here

I yelled after him.

{ 1103 words }
a/n look at me being al productive anyways 

jake? yea no 

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