chapter 12 - I don't like you, at all

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(Liams POV)

I was suppose to stay home but Theo took so long so i was just checking up on him. I dont know why I care so much about Theo having a boyfriend, it shouldn't bother me. I mean I don't like him at all.

I was running home when I realized that Theo is living with me right now. I didn't want to see him and I didn't want him to see me like this. I was red in the face from my weird anger and maybe some tears from um the running. I decided to run into the woods again. I know last time I did that Kate took me and the hunters are still out there but I couldn't care less in this situation. I ran into the woods and ended up in some field with at least a thousand bluebells. There was a big tree in the middle of it and I ran through the field. I ran to the tree and sat down under it. I just sat there looking up at the stars. It was so beautiful and the moon was shining beautifully. It was like in a dream or in a movie, I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.

~ Next day ~

I woke up with the sun right in my eyes. I took out my phone from my pocket,

55 missed calls from Theo, 20 missed calls from Scott and a bunch of texts. I checked the time 5 am I stood up and walked back into the woods and towards my house. I knew Theo would be there but I just wanted to be alone and think. Why do I care if Theo has a boyfriend? I didn't even know that Theo liked dudes, I mean he could at least tell me that.

I was almost there but Theos car was gone. I thought maybe he was with Jake. I walked in and there he was, on the couch with his head in his hands. Was Theo Reaken crying?

He looked up, his eyes were so red and tears were pouring down his eyes. He looked at me and before I could say anything he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't know how to react. I hugged him back in shock. He pulled out looking right in my eyes. 

- Where the fuck have you been? I was so worried! I thought Kate took you or Hunter!!!  

He yelled at me as more tears streamed down his cheeks. 

- I-I didn't think

 I didn't know what to say, I thought Theo wouldn't care. '

- I thought you ran away or something you jerk and- why do you always run away, why do you hate me so much

I looked confused at him. 

- Hate you? Why would I hate you?

- I dont know!!

He looked down to the floor. He looked up again 

- but... why did you ran?

I didn't know what to say i was hoping this didn't enter out conversation. 

You know cause i think i like you but i dont and you like someone else?  nope not saying that. 

- I-I needed to be alone, but i'm fine now you can go

He looked confused 

- Go? go where?

- idk to your boyfriend

i said looking down to the floor. 

- my what? Jake!?, He is not my boyfriend. He just kissed me without my consent i have no words i - 

I looked up at him 

- what, but he

Theo cut me off 

- idk what that was about i swear i don't even like him, i mean yes i do as a friend but what he did was not um okay

- No it wasn't and i'm sorry i didn't see that. I should have stayed with you when you nedded that. 

- it's okay i umm forget it 

- no im not- 

- yes liam please 

I had called Scott and said everything was fine and talked to the pack for a while and then just sat down on the couch. Theo had been out for a while buying food. 

- I'm back

He said as he walked into the living room where I was sitting. 

- Oh yeah hi, just so you know I can't cook

- that's fine Liam I can

He walked into the kitchen and started to cook. After a while he was done. 

- Liam foods ready

I walked into the kitchen and it smelled surprisingly good. He had made pasta with his "special" sauce.

We sat down. 

- Oh god Theo this is so good

When we were down I washed the dishes and Theo sat down watching tv.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the other side of the couch. We sat there and we came closer and closer to each other. I was so tired, I lay down with my head on a pillow and fell asleep immediately.

(Theos POV)

Me and Liam sat on each side of the couch but when the movie was done we sat next to each other. Liam looks so tired, he put his head on my lap and falls asleep in seconds. I stroked my hand through he's soft hair. He looked really tired so i didn't move so he could sleep, I however could not sleep. I was thinking of this whole Jake thing, so I decided to text him.

Traeken Hi we need to talk 

jakeHottie55 hi❤️

Traeken I just wanna say that it was not okay to kiss me without consent, why did you kiss me? 

jakeHottie55 cause I love u babe😏

Traeken cut the bullshit Jake, We have never ever talked about anything around this topic. 

jakeHottie55 cause I feel that we have something Theo, there have always been something between us! I know you still have a crush on me..🥰

Traeken I do not like you at all and normally i would say but yes as a friend but i'm starting to question our friendship

jakeHottie55 suuureee😏 everyone can see it we are ment for each other 

Traeken Seriously what is your problem?! I don't like you get that inside your head-. 

jakeHottie55 I don't believe u

Why doesn't he believe me?! I need some answers, does everyone really things that. I decided to text Ethan. Yes Ethan , Ethan was together with Jackson and Jackson is friends with Jake. 

Traeken hi Ethan i have a question for you 

alphatwin2-1 hi Theo,  What up?

Traeken so umm do you think I like Jake

alphatwin2-1 well it looks like you have something and you did have a crush on him..

Traeken 1 time!! For like 1 year ago!

alphatwun2-1 I don't think u have got over him, just that 

Traeken WHAT??!!

I threw my phone across the room so it hit the wall hard. I covered Liams ears so he didn't wake up. I then law down and fell asleep. With all the thought running through my head.

(Liams POV)

I woke up because my phone was ringing. I looked at the time 4am, I picked it up. "Hi Liam!"


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A/n - i am truly amazing chapter 12 edited as well wew. 

Hope you are enjoying the show. 

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